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A. sent back to Babylon.
               B. allowed to keep their wives if idolatry was not involved.
               C. told to make sacrifices in the Tabernacle to atone for their errors.
               D. commanded to divorce their wives and children.

               32. What percentage of DNA evidently has the characteristics of race and

               A. 1%
               B. 10%
               C. 99%
               D. 5%

                           The Two Creation Accounts and the “Breath” of Life!

               33. What were the Pharisees accused of by the Messiah?

               A. Corrupting the Temple ritual.
               B. Keeping the Sabbath at the wrong time.
               C. Not observing the New Moons correctly.
               D. Promulgating false doctrines that rendered the Word of YEHOVAH God
               of none effect.

               34. The Judahite historian Josephus mentions that

               A. all of mankind were destroyed in the Flood.
               B. Noah and his family were drowned before they could get into the ark.
               C. others beside the family of Noah survived the Flood.
               D. the Nephilim drowned in the Flood.

               35. The name of the city Cain built was

               A. Memphis.
               B. Caleh.
               C. Enoch.
               D. Babylon.

               36. The Bible clearly states that

               A. man has a soul that leaves him at death and goes to heaven or hell.
               B. man’s soul is more than life.
               C. prayers can be offered up to Mary and the saints.
               D. man is a soul.

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