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               ites  in  Egypt? Exodus  3:7. Did  He  promise  to  deliver  them  from  slavery
               and to bring them  back to the land which He had promised Abra-
               ham? Verse 8.

               6. Who did YEHOVAH God call to lead the nation of Israel out of Egyptian
               slavery and into the promised land? Exodus 3:1-6, 9-10.

               COMMENT: YEHOVAH chose Moses to lead the children of Israel out of
               Egypt. He had previously caused Moses to be specially trained for this mis-
               sion by having him reared as a prince in the palace of the Egyptian Phar-
               aoh (Exodus 2:1-10).  YEHOVAH  God also commissioned Aaron, his
               brother, to assist Moses by being his spokesman (Exodus 4:10-16).

               7. Did YEHOVAH God plan to send plagues against Egypt if Pharaoh re-
               fused to let the Israelites leave? Exodus 3:19-20.

               COMMENT:  In  the  ensuing  plagues  YEHOVAH  brought  upon  Egypt,

               YEHOVAH turned the Egyptian gods and objects of worship against them
               to show that these were not living, active gods who could help Egypt.

               8. What was the last plague that finally caused Pharaoh to let the people
               go? Exodus 12:29-33.

               COMMENT:  The  Israelites left Egypt  at Pharaoh’s  urging. But once they
               were gone, he changed his mind and led his army in pursuit of Israel. Upon
               crossing the Sinai peninsula and reaching the Red Sea, the children of Is-
               rael  were  stopped in their tracks. They appeared to be trapped. Before
               them was a broad expanse of water and behind them the Pharaoh’s army
               was in hot pursuit. There was nothing they could do. They just stood there -
               helpless! At that point they had to rely on YEHOVAH God.

               9. How did YEHOVAH God rescue Israel? Exodus 14:21-22.

               COMMENT:  In Egypt  YEHOVAH  God had caused  Israel’s  release from
               slavery by a series of supernatural plagues. Now YEHOVAH miraculously
               caused the waters of the Red Sea to roll back to form a wall of water on ei-
               ther side, causing a wide, dry path on the sea floor between. The Israelites
               walked through.

               10. Did Pharaoh and his entire army attempt to pursue Israel through the
               Red Sea? Verse 23. What happened to them? Verses 24-31.

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