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18 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 8

Tying all this together, the Jewish YEHOVAH God promises to cause us to “ride
(Judahite) historian Josephus tells us what date upon the HIGH places of the earth.”
of the LUNAR month this momentous Sabbath COMMENT: The “heritage of Jacob” is
fell on -- notice! “And thus was Jerusalem taken, the inheritance of righteous Abraham and all the
in the second year of the reign of Vespasian, ON righteous who are Abraham’s “seed.”
THE EIGHTH DAY OF THE MONTH YEHOVAH promises us -- if we are Abraham’s
GORPEIUS [ELUL]”! (Josephus, Wars of the “seed” through the Messiah -- tremendous
Jews, book 6, Chapter 10, in “The Works of material and spiritual blessings, including
Flavius Josephus,” pp. 832, 833). Elul is the 6th eternal inheritance of this earth.
month in the Hebrew lunar calendar (counting YEHOVAH promises to bless us
from Nisan) and is known as the “month of with food, shelter, clothing, knowledge, AND
Here, again, is irrefutable PROOF that SURPRISES US TO RECEIVE -- if we
the people of Judah were keeping YEHOVAH’s obediently keep His Sabbaths.
TRUE Sabbath on the 8th day of the LUNAR To be in YEHOVAH’s good grace and
month in 70 A.D. when the city and Temple fell favor and therefore to be blessed by God -- to be
to the Romans -- which means they were also caused to “ride upon the HIGH places of the
keeping it on the 15th, 22nd and 29th! earth" -- is very IMPORTANT! And even more
The evidence of your Bible (and secular so now in the end of this age when this
history) proves beyond the shadow of a doubt desperately lawless generation is bringing
that Christians in YEHOVAH’s original untold suffering upon the WHOLE WORLD.
Apostolic Church -- and the nation of Judah -- YOU JUST CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO KEEP
observed the TRUE seventh-day Sabbath! The THE SABBATH!
FACTS from the Bible and recorded secular We are told in Matthew 6:31-33, “...
history to this effect are OVERWHELMING! Take NO thought (ANXIOUS thought or
FOR OVER 1900 YEARS, YEHO- worry), saying what shall we eat? or, What shall
VAH’s true Church has CONTINUED to keep we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
the seventh-day Sabbath and the “testimony of (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: )
Yeshua the Messiah” -- the teachings of the for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have
Bible! (Revelation 12:17; 14:12.) need of all these things. BUT SEEK YE FIRST
The person who accepts YEHOVAH
YEHOVAH God makes it plain that we God at His Word, and is willing to STEP OUT
must keep His Sabbath if we are to receive IN FAITH BY EXERCISING IT, and trusting
YEHOVAH’s glorious gift of eternal life and Him to supply every need, is a person upon
inherit His Kingdom. whom YEHOVAH will look with favor and to
But in addition to this glorious future, whom YEHOVAH will see that all basic needs
YEHOVAH promises to bestow many other are supplied.
wonderful BLESSINGS HERE and NOW upon This takes real courage and faith in
those who hallow His Sabbaths, and make them YEHOVAH God, but we know we have His
a “delight”! SURE PROMISE that He will provide for our
1. How does YEHOVAH reveal He will needs. YEHOVAH may allow you to have
bless us MATERIALLY if we faithfully keep temporary problems to test your faith, but as
the Sabbath? Isaiah 58:13-14. Notice that long as you obey Him and follow the Messiah,

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2
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