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Lesson 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

Apostles and New Testament Church Kept 3. Was it Paul’s “manner” to keep the
True Sabbath Sabbath because he felt like it, or because
Yeshua the Messiah DWELT in him through the
There is clear and conclusive proof that indwelling of the holy spirit? Galatians 2:20. Is
the Messiah’s Apostles and New Testament the Messiah always CHANGING his mind about
Church CONTINUED TO keep the seventh-day which spiritual laws of YEHOVAH God are to
Sabbath after his death and resurrection. Here is be obeyed and which day should be kept as the
that proof! Sabbath? Or does the Messiah’s will REMAIN
1. Did the Christian women who came THE SAME FOREVER? Hebrews 13:8.
with Yeshua from Galilee still observe the COMMENT: It is quite plain the apostle
SABBATH Day the day after he was crucified? Paul observed the TRUE SABBATH. And if the
Luke 23:55-56. Was the FIRST day of the week Messiah lives his life in us today through
-- the day AFTER the weekly Sabbath -- still a YEHOVAH’s holy spirit, WE WILL ALSO BE
COMMENT: Notice the words 4. Was the apostle Paul PERSONALLY
“according to the commandment” in Luke taught by the Messiah himself in preparation for
23:56. The day after Messiah’s crucifixion, the his ministry? Galatians 1:11-12, 15-10.
early CHRISTIANS KNEW THE SABBATH COMMENT: After the Messiah’s death
COMMANDMENT WAS STILL IN EFFECT and resurrection, he personally taught Paul,
AND WERE KEEPING IT! ALONE, in Arabia. Had the Messiah done away
And the FIRST day of the week, the day with any of his Father’s laws or CHANGED the
of the Messiah’s resurrection, was still an true Sabbath to some other time, he certainly
ORDINARY WORK DAY -- the day on which would have revealed it to Paul personally. But
the women brought their spices to anoint the NO CHANGES were made and Paul returned
Messiah’s body. However, they first “rested the and taught the true Church of YEHOVAH God
Sabbath Day according to the commandment”! exactly what the Messiah commanded him to
2. Wasn’t it always the apostle Paul’s preach regarding it!
“MANNER” to keep the Sabbath, just as it was 5. Did Paul labor at a job for SIX days of
the Messiah’s “CUSTOM” to keep it? Acts the week, and then observe the seventh-day
17:1-2 and Luke 4:16, 31. Sabbath by RESTING and PREACHING? Acts
18:1-4, 11.
Mount Sinai in Arabia -- Where Paul was probably COMMENT: For EIGHTEEN
taught for 3 years by the resurrected Messiah. MONTHS in the city of Corinth, Paul labored
unceasingly during the first six days of each
week as a tentmaker. But he did not preach on
the first day of the week -- or on Saturday in our
calendar of today. He preached on the
SABBATH -- the seventh day! And WHEN did
the Sabbath fall?
6. The apostle Paul was using
YEHOVAH God’s calendar after the
crucifixion, and we find evidence of this in Acts
chapter 20. Notice verses 5-8. WHEN did Paul
sail from Philippi? Verse 6.
7. WHEN did he join the others in Troas?
Same verse.

YEHOVAH God’s TRUE Sabbath Day -- Part 2
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