Page 28 - BCC42
P. 28

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Question 1: The Bible is the_________________________________of the Creator God
for mankind.

Question 2: The Babylonian record of the____________was found in the library of
Ashurbanipal long after the time of Moses.

Question 3: Is it true that ancient towns and cities in Mesopotamia were named after the
Old Testament patriarchs?________

Question 4: What was the name of the canal attached to Lake Moeris in the Fayum?

Question 5: From which Arabic country comes proof that the 7 years of famine during
Joseph’s time actually occurred?_______________________________________

Question 6: What has been uncovered by the archaeologists to show that Jacob resided in
Egypt as the Bible records?___________________________________________

Question 7: From the__________________we find evidence of Benjamite generals called
“Davidum” or “Davids.”

Question 8: The much-prized_____________________________created by King Hazael
mentions the “horsemen of the King of the House of David.”

Question 9: What historian recorded the facts about Cyrus’ conquest of Babylon?_______

Question 10: What was Darius the Mede’s other name according to Josephus?__________

Question 11: Yeshua the Messiah is often mentioned in the Jewish___________________

Question 12: A clay seal impression of the assassin of Gedaliah was purchased in
Jerusalem. Who was the assassin?_____________________________________

Question 13: A stone inscription mentioning the Roman Governor___________________
was discovered in Caesarea in 1961.

Question 14: What are the oldest manuscripts of the Old Testament found in Wadi
Qumran in 1947?__________________________________________________

The answers will be found in the next lesson. Approximately 3 weeks after receiving Lessons
41-44, you will receive a mail-in test that covers these four lessons. The test will be returned
to you after grading. Following the completion of the Hope of Israel Bible Correspondence
Course you will receive a Certificate of Completion. If you complete the course with a grade
of 75% or better you will also receive an Outstanding Student Award.

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