Page 26 - BCC42
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26 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 42

Jaazaniah, Servant of the King” on two lines
with an image of a fighting cock below.
Finally, we have a bulla, purchased in
Jaffa, with the inscription, “Belonging to Eli-
shama, the King’s Son.” Quite possibly this was
a seal impression of Elishama, grandfather of
Ishmael (Jeremiah 41:1). Such finds as the
bulla of Ishmael, and other seals and seal
impressions, not only VERIFY the authenticity
of Biblical personages, but also put us in touch
with the people and events recorded in the pages
of the Old Testament, as YEHOVAH God
worked out His divine plan for mankind.
You can depend on the Old Testament.

Seal impression of Milkom’ur, Servant of IT IS THE INSPIRED WORD OF YEHOVAH
Ba alyis a, discovered at Tell el- Umeiri, Jordan, GOD IN PRINT! It carries absolute authority
in 1984. The Ba alyis a of the seal impression is and can be relied on for accuracy.
the Ammonite king who conspired to have
Gedaliah assassinated (Baalis of Jeremiah 40: Articles to Write for:
Joseph and the Engineering Works of
en-Nasbeh, a seal of Jaazaniah, one of the offic- Egypt
ials who first went to Mizpah with Ishmael (Je-
remiah 40:8), was found. It is beautifully made The Downfall of Egypt and the
of onyx stone with the inscription, “Belonging to Amalekites of the Bible

Onyx seal found at Tell en-Nasbeh, ancient Recently Discovered -- The Berlin Wall
Mizpah, with the inscription, “Belonging to Jaa- of Ancient Egypt!
zaniah, Servant of the King.” The owner of the
seal was probably the Jaazaniah who accompan- Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?
ied Ishmael to Mizpah to visit Gedaliah in 587
B.C. (Jeremiah 40:7-8). The Temple of Serabit el-Khadem!


Answers to Questions in Lesson 41:

1. sacrilege 2. No 3. Leviticus and
Deuteronomy 4. herbivores. 5. 6 to 12
6. 200, 18 7. Absolutely not! 8.
Because life is in the blood and blood is
offered as the atonement. 9. Yes 10.
Venereal disease 11. mental illness.
12. No 13. Yes 14. Clean

Archaeology and the Bible
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