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                       There are, of course, any number of situations between these two extremes. They should be
               handled with love, concern, wisdom and with the overall purpose of the Sabbath in mind.

                                                 Handling Emergencies

                       What do you do when an emergency arises on the Sabbath? Yeshua said: "Which of you
               shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the sabbath
               day?" (Luke 14:5). Many misunderstand this statement. Some may wonder if their job is an ox in
               the ditch situation when they are required to work on the Sabbath day -- as will frequently happen
               when the Sabbath falls during the week.

                       The principle of the ox in the ditch applies to genuine emergencies like personal injuries,
               burning houses, power failures, accidents and other occurrences (natural disasters -- tornadoes,
               hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) which would entail injury or loss of life or of personal property. It is
               not an ox in the ditch situation when your job requires you to work on the Sabbath. Neither does
               the principle apply to those who "push their own ox into the ditch" by acquiring or keeping a job
               where they can't negotiate to have the Sabbath day off, or by "putting off" work which should have
               been done during the other days of the week. Nor does it include harvesting or plowing on the Sab-
               bath -- even if there has been bad weather or machinery breakdowns during the other week days.

                       YEHOVAH says, "Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in ear-
               ing [better translated, "plowing"] time and in harvest thou shalt rest" (Exodus 34:21).

                                            Procuring Food on the Sabbath

                       In Matthew 12:1-5 Yeshua clearly showed that it is not wrong to procure food on the Sab-
               bath if one is without food and is hungry. If, for some reason, you are caught away from home on
               the Sabbath, it is not wrong to eat a meal in a restaurant or cafeteria.

                       Some people living in today's gigantic metropolises do not have cooking facilities. There
               would be nothing wrong for such people to buy a meal on the Sabbath. Perhaps one should also
               consider moving to an apartment which does have cooking facilities.

                                                 Dishes on the Sabbath

                       Some women have wondered if it is all right to wash dishes on the Sabbath. YEHOVAH
               does not specifically state how many dishes we may wash on the Sabbath. Washing dishes is an
               everyday physical act that could detract from the Sabbath.

                       Some women simply rinse, neatly stack and cover soiled dishes and utensils, waiting until
               after the Sabbath to give them a final washing. Others use paper plates, and thus avoid some of the
               problem. Still, if necessary, it is not wrong to wash dishes or utensils on the Sabbath. Time spent
               at this task should be kept to a minimum. YEHOVAH does not want us to clutter up His Sabbath by
               spending a lot of time washing dishes or doing other household chores.

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