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type....At least one man had black wavy hair and one  have passed on some of their terrible habits to our
                woman a luxuriant soft pile of dark chestnut tresses. A  modern people -- their descendants.
                silver and gilt amphora [vase] discovered in 1862 in a
                grave at a site called Chertomlyk, also on the Dnieper,                                                 -- Raymond F. McNair
                bears in relief on its gleaming surface a group of
                Scythians who could easily be American wran-      Israelite Migrations to New Lands
                glers: one is roping a shaggy-maned steed, another is
                removing hobbles from a saddled horse....The Budini
                [another Scythian tribe, were] a powerful people with  Some Israelites left the Holy Land very early. Soon af-
                bright red hair and deep blue eyes....Sometimes the  ter the Exodus, a group of Danites migrated to Greece
                Scythians prepared a sort of haggis [a Scottish dish] by  and later left for Ireland. King Solomon had a fleet of
                boiling the flesh of a cow in its own skin.    "Ships of Tarshish" which sailed with the navy of the
                                                               Phoenician king, Hiram of Tyre. It is well-accepted
                                                               fact Phoenicians established far-flung outposts in
                "They were in all respects a passionate people --
                bearded men with dark, deep-set eyes, weather-cured  North Africa, Spain and Ireland. Therefore, during and
                faces and long wind-snarled hair. They drank from the  after Solomon's reign, it is probable that a number of
                skulls of slain enemies and flaunted the scalps of their  Israelite colonists did the same -- colonizing the Brit-
                foes as trophies. In a time when nations had not yet de-  ish Isles and the coasts of Northwest Europe.
                veloped skilled cavalrymen and relied almost entirely
                on foot soldiers and chariots, the Scythians came rid-  In about 734-732 and 721 B.C., the Assyrians deported
                ing at the gallop, shooting fusillades of singing arrows  the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel into
                from their bows.                               northern Mesopotamia and the region south of the Cas-
                                                               pian Sea. When the Assyrian Empire was later crushed
                                                               by a Babylonian-Persian-Scythian alliance in 612 B.C.,
                "Herodotus also reported that the Scythians liked to get
                high from marijuana! 'In order to cleanse their bodies,  some of the Israelites began to break free from their
                the men make a booth by fixing in the ground three  captor's lands, migrating northwest into Europe. This
                sticks inclined toward one another, and stretching  was a centuries-long process.
                around them woolen felts; inside the booth a dish is
                placed on the ground, into which they put a number of  The first wave of Israelites into Europe migrated from
                red-hot stones, and then add some hemp seed. Immedi-  northern Mesopotamia. Some traveled west along the
                ately it gives out such a vapor as no Greek vapor bath  southern  Black Sea coast, crossing the Dardanelles.
                can exceed'" (Frank Trippet,  The First Horsemen,  Others went north through the Caucasus Mountains and
                Time-Life Books, New York, 1974, pp. 9, 18,    moved west along the northern Black Sea coast. These
                105-106, 112, 122).                            peoples became known to historians as the Cimmeri-
                                                               ans or Celts.

                                                               The  second wave  of Israelites migrated north around
                                                               the eastern side of the Caspian Sea before being
                                                               pressed westward, centuries later, by the Sarmatians
                                                               (Slavs). Known in history as the Scythians and Sacae,
                                                               they moved across southern Russia and then northern
                                                               Poland and Germany. Because of close proximity, the
                                                               Scythians have at times been confused with the modern
                                                               Germans, but they are completely different peoples.
                                                               The Scythians spread out over most of Northwest
                                                               Europe, becoming the Scandinavians, Franks, Normans,
                                                               Lombards, Anglo-Saxons, etc.
                   Tattoo from Wrist of Scythian Woman
                                                               No one disputes the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic background
                So the ancient Scythians not only looked like most of  of the British, by whom Colonial America was primar-
                our American and British peoples (and others of north-  ily settled. These peoples  also migrated to Canada,
                western European descent) today, they even appear to
                                                               Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

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