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century BC monument to the King/Priest John Hyrca-  Historical sources are conclusive that the massive
                nus of the Hashmonean dynasty.                 80-foot curtain was located in a spot that was visible
                                                               only from atop the Mount of Olives. "It would have
                Early Church historians indicated that in the first cen-  been a physical impossibility for anyone in Jerusalem
                tury, Christians revered the Mount of Olives (pictured  to have seen this curtain from the south, the west, or
                above). It was the site of the first church and was con-  the north -- the locations of today's traditional cruci-
                sidered to be the most significant place in Christian  fixion sites," says Martin.
                history. The red arrow marks the place believed to be
                the site of Jesus' crucifixion near the ancient Altar of  Throughout Martin's investigations, he searched
                the Red Heifer -- the Altar of the Sin Sacrifices.   through hundreds of contemporary and first-century
                                                               writings, ancient church literature, and the original He-
                While much tradition is found at                                  brew  and  Greek  Scriptural
                these and other places, "the one                                  sources.
                thing all these sites have in com-
                mon is that they are all the wrong                                He found that the Bible itself in-
                place," says the Christian-Biblical                               dicates that the crucifixion oc-
                historian, Prof. Ernest L. Martin,                                curred in a "holy place" -- a place
                in an exclusive interview with the                                John describes as belonging to
                Jerusalem Christian Review.                                       the  Temple worship ritual --
                                                                                  which the Book of Hebrews re-
                Indeed, several years ago, Dr.                                    fers to as an altar called
                Martin, president of the Academy                                  "Outside-the-Camp"    (John
                of Scriptural Knowledge in Port-                                  19:20; Hebrews 13:10-14).
                land, Oregon, took a fresh look at
                the question with some startling results.      "'Outside-the-Camp' was not a description but the name
                                                               of a specific place, known from biblical and contempo-
                "The simplest of my findings revolves around some ba-  rary sources," said well-known Jerusalem historian,
                sic New and Old Testament Scriptures, whose signifi-  Prof. Ory Mazar, the author of numerous books on the
                cance has been overlooked for centuries," said Dr.  history of Jerusalem.
                Martin as he described his latest book, Secrets of Gol-
                gotha.                                         Mazar, who worked with Martin on part of his research,
                                                               explained that this place, "was the location of the 'Altar
                While working with the renowned Jerusalem archae-  of the Red Heifer'." Although the altar was located
                ologist, Prof. Benjamin Mazar, at the Temple Mount  "outside the city" on the Mount of Olives and not on
                excavations in the 1960s, Martin studied the geo-  the Temple Mount, it was still an extremely important
                graphical history of Jerusalem with some of Israel's  part of the Temple worship ritual -- it was the Altar of
                leading scholars.                              the major Sin Sacrifices.

                                                               "According to the Law of Moses," said Mazar in a in-
                "My initial interest in researching this subject was
                spawned from... one primary fact," said Martin. "It ap-  terview with the Jerusalem Christian Review, "one
                pears as though the centurion who was at the foot of  could not worship on the holy grounds of the Temple
                the cross was able to observe the tearing of the Temple  without first sacrificing a sin offering 'Outside-the-
                veil [the outside curtain, called in Hebrew 'Masach'],  Camp.'"
                something that would have been possible only from a
                point east of the Temple Mount, and not from any point  Adding to dozens of additional pieces of evidence,
                west of it."                                   Martin found that the Bible itself identifies the place
                                                               called "Golgotha" ("the Place of the Head") in 2 Samuel
                "While this is not evidence in itself," said the historian,  15. The "Place of the Head" (mistranslated in English
                "it did inspire my curiosity."                 translations as the summit of the mountain) was the
                                                               place on the Mount of Olives where King David
                                                               stopped to worship as he was fleeing from Jerusalem

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