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But through all generations, through every century, though persecuted, scattered, unrecog-
               nized by the world, many true Christians have kept alive the true Church of God -- the Church
               composed of those who have the Holy Spirit of God.

                                               What God Did Command

                       The "communion," often called the "Lord's Supper," is actually the Passover -- as the ordi-
               nance should more properly be called. On observing the Passover, as on every practice, Jude ex-
               horts "that ye should contend earnestly for the faith which was once delivered to the saints."

                       Now that we know the pagan origin of the Easter celebration, let's clear away the web of
               error that covers the truth about keeping the Passover, the memorial of Christ's death.

                       Let's examine the way Jesus observed this ordinance, because we can't be wrong if we fol-
               low His example. In Luke 22:14-20, we read, "And when the hour was come, he [Jesus] sat down
               ....And he took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body
               which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying,
               This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you."

                       Notice, it was "when the hour was come," that Jesus introduced the unleavened bread and
               the wine. There was a definite time -- a definite hour -- when He held this ordinance as an exam-
               ple for us.

                       Notice, too, He commanded them to observe it -- "This do"! And why? "In remembrance of
               me," said Jesus. He instituted this New Testament way of keeping the Passover, on that tragic
               night, the very eve after His death.

                       In Matthew's account, the Bible shows that this ordinance was at the very time of the
               Passover, "as they were eating" (Matt. 26:2, 26). Jesus knew that His time had come. He was our
               Passover, sacrificed for us (I Cor. 5:7).

                       The Passover had always been held on the eve of the 15th of God's first month, according
               to the Sacred Calendar. It was the night before the Passover that Jesus introduced these New Tes-
               tament emblems (because he would be dead by the time Passover arrived) -- the unleavened bread
               and the wine -- in place of the lamb that was always slain annually.

                       Remember Jesus commanded: "This do in remembrance of me." Why? Because the Passo-
               ver was commanded "forever."

                       The Passover was to be observed annually, along with the Days of Unleavened Bread.
               "Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season year to year" (Ex. 13:10). Jesus set us an
               example (I Peter 2:21), observing this ordinance at the same time once a year (Luke 2:42). Sup-
               pose the Israelites in Egypt had observed this ordinance at some other time than that set by God?
               They would not have been saved when the death angel passed by that night! God does things on
               time. He has given us an exact time for this ordinance. Jesus instituted the New Testament symbols
               "when the hour was come."

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