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P. 16

The Physical Seed Line

                       In Romans 4:16 Paul explains that the promise might be sure to "all the seed": "Therefore
               [it is] of faith, that [it might be] by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to ALL THE SEED;
               not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; WHO IS THE
               FATHER OF US ALL" (KJV).

                       This verse clearly means that the promise of YEHOVAH might be sure to ALL the seed of
               Abraham. However, this seed was ONLY through Isaac: "But YEHOVAH said to Abraham, 'Do
               not let it be displeasing in your sight, because of the lad or because of your bond woman. What-
               ever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; FOR IN ISAAC YOUR SEED SHALL BE
               CALLED'" (Genesis 21:12). Further, in Hebrews 11:18: "Of whom it was said, 'IN ISAAC YOUR
               SEED SHALL BE CALLED.'" When Paul refers to "all the seed" (Romans 4:16) he meant ALL of
               Israel -- both the Houses of Israel and Judah! Read and understand these verses because they ex-
               plain that ONLY through the SEED-LINE of Isaac would the promise be sure. Understand this: it is
               a PHYSICAL seed-line and not a "spiritual" seed-line that Paul talks about in Romans 4:16 -- and
               it includes BOTH houses of Israel (all the seed). In Romans 9:3-5, Paul repeats the phrase "ac-
               cording to the FLESH":

                       "For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen
                       according to the FLESH, who are ISRAELITES, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory,
                       the COVENANTS, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; of whom
                       are the fathers and from whom, ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, Christ came, who is over
                       all, God blessed for ever. Amen."

                       It sure seems like Paul is trying to tell us something! Paul certainly stressed the fact that this
               seed was a physical seed-line,..."according to the flesh." It is not -- and could not -- pertain to
               something spiritual! Please pay close attention to verse 4, in which Paul says the adoption, the
               glory, the covenants, giving of the law, service of God, and the promises all belong to Israel. Note
               this well, because ONLY ISRAELITES can be adopted, have the glory, the covenants and the
               promises, etc. If the Gentiles are non-Israelites (which many Christians of today assume they are),
               then this verse is not logical and makes no sense at all because this excludes non-Israelites!


                       Regardless of what people may think the word "adoption" means, we should go directly to
               the Bible to find out how Paul -- through YEHOVAH's spirit -- defines it. According to Strong's
               Concordance, the word "adoption" (No. 5206) means "adoption of sons," or "as sons":

                       5206 huiothesia {hwee-oth-es-ee'-ah} from a presumed compound of 5207 and a deriva-
                       tive of 5087; TDNT -- 8:397, 1206; nf
                       AV -- adoption 3, adoption of children 1, adoption of sons 1; 5
                       1) adoption, adoption as sons 1a) THAT RELATIONSHIP WHICH GOD WAS
                       ERENCE TO ALL OTHER NATIONS 1b) the nature and condition of the true disciples

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