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               "Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God." Still, most people today take that command of God
               lightly, or as having no validity whatsoever, and follow the tradition of men in observing

                       Make no mistake! God will allow you to defy and disobey Him. He will allow you to fol-
               low the crowd and the traditions of men. He will allow you to sin. But He also says there is a day
               of reckoning coming. As you sow, so shall you reap! Jesus was the living Word of God in Person,
               and the Bible is the written Word of God. And we shall be judged, for eternity, by these words!
               They should not be taken lightly or ignored.

                                     We're in Babylon, and Haven't Known It

                       There can be no doubt that the pagan festival at the winter solstice -- in other words,
               Christmas -- was held in honor of the birth of the Babylonian Messiah. According to Hislop (The
               Two Babylons) "the yule log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun-god, but cast down by
               his enemies; the Christmas tree is Nimrod redivius -- the slain god comes to life again."

                       Even the abbreviation for Christmas, "X-mas," bears the mark of Babylon. "X" is the an-
               cient letter Tau, and by the ancients this very lettering would read as Tau-mas. Be it  Tau-mas or
               Tammuz, it has ever been a symbol for the Babylonian Messiah.

                       The candles, in some parts of England and America, lighted on Christmas-eve, and used so
               long as the festive season lasts, were similarly lighted by the pagans on the eve of the festival of
               the Babylonian god, to do him honor.

                       In our day Christmas has become a commercial season. It's sponsored, kept alive, by the
               heaviest retail advertising campaigns of the year. You see a masqueraded "Santa Claus" in many
               stores. Ads keep us deluded and deceived about the "beautiful Christmas spirit." The newspapers,
               who sell the ads, print flowery editorials exalting and eulogizing the pagan season, and its "spirit."
               A gullible people has become so inoculated, many take offense when told the truth. But the
               "Christmas spirit" is created each year, not to honor Christ, but to sell merchandise! Like all Sa-
               tan's delusions, it appears as an "angel of light," is made to appear good. Billions of dollars are
               spent in this merchandising spree every year, while the cause of Christ must suffer! It's part of the
               economic system of Babylon!

                       We have professed to be Christian nations, but we're in Babylon, as Bible prophecy fore-
               told, and we don't know it! "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and
               that ye receive not of her plagues" -- now soon to fall -- is the warning of Revelation 18:4.

                       This year, instead of gift trading, why not put that money into God's Work?

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