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                Great Britain has on her Royal Arms the figure of a  Manasseh, of "a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by
                Rampant Lion on the left and on the right a Rampant  a well; whose branches run over the wall," implying the
                Unicorn. The Lion is the emblem of the House of Ju-  spreading of their influence and prosperity around the
                dah and the Unicorn is the emblem of the House of Is-  world. These peoples share the birthright blessings
                rael. These two are represented as holding up a crown,  given to them by their great forebear Jacob and, de-
                which crown is that of the Royal line of Judah. Another  spite all the Age-End effects of "Jacob's trouble," they
                Scriptural name for Great Britain is "the merchants of  continue to share them in the year 2000. There is  a
                Tarshish WITH ALL THE YOUNG LIONS THEREOF"     blood bond that cannot be denied. In Genesis 48 we
                (Ezekiel 38). If Britain be not the "Merchants of  read how God revealed to Israel that Manasseh would
                Tarshish" we know not who else they could be. Britain  become a "great people" and his younger brother,
                also undoubtedly embodies "The Lion of Judah" and the  Ephraim, would become a "multitude of nations" or
                nations of the Empire and Commonwealth that are  states. No other people have been granted global ex-
                Celto-Saxon must be "all the young lions thereof."  pansion and have become such a family group of na-
                Beginning with the Elizabethan era British ships began  tions like the Celto-Saxon peoples -- they are Israel.
                to sail the open seas and trade routes were established  New Zealand is now a sparkling jewel in the necklace
                between England and her colonies which led to the  of nations strung around the earth. Once New Zealand
                forming of the great British Empire. Britain had also  was but a "lion's whelp," now she has grown into full
                carried out the role of Ephraim in history and the  strength and stature, taking her place among the leading
                United States of America the role of Manasseh. Since  nations of the world.
                World War II both Britain and America have shared the
                sovereignty of the seas and controlled the sea lanes of  Although New Zealand was discovered by one of the
                the world. Evidence of this far-flung power was seen in  descendants of Jacob's less powerful sons, Zebulon, it
                Britain's defence of the Falkland Islands controlling  was too far away from Europe for Holland to follow up
                the sea gate between the southern Atlantic and Pacific  her discovery. The superior naval power of the Royal
                Oceans. In 1983 the United States for obvious strate-  Navy of Britain and the adventurous spirit of British
                gic reasons rescued the island of Grenada in the Car-  missionaries brought the two islands of New Zealand
                ribean, so closing the gate there to the flow of Soviet  into the Israel fold. Since Britain joined the Common
                war material from Cuba to the Central American coun-  Market, New Zealand has been forced to rely upon her
                tries. Then, of course, the US, Britain and France put a  own resources -- her 70 million sheep and countless
                quick stop to Saddam Hussein's attempt to overthrow  cattle, a national treasury "upon the hoof" and other
                Kuwait and surrounding countries and control the flow  less tangible resources. Her blessings today follow
                of cricial oil to the free world. Britain and her Com-  from the blessings given to Joseph's sons, Ephraim and
                monwealth continues to hold control of the sea gates  Manasseh. The people of Israel living on the far-away
                of the Straits of Gilbralta and those of the Cape of  islands of the South Pacific are receiving those bless-
                Good Hope. Although the situation in South Africa  ings today. God is faithful though we forget.
                does bring the nations of the Southern Hemisphere and
                for that matter, the nations of the whole Israel family  The Company of Nations
                towards the unthinkable -- the loss of the Cape sea
                                                                A group of islands, loved and lovely, first a colony --
                                                                     Strung out like a necklace flung across the southern sea --
                In Europe the balance of power is maintained by the  Now a beautiful Dominion, God's own gift to us --
                NATO countries -- mostly the Celto-Saxon countries       A jewel in the Israel crown, a pearl most marvellous
                stemming from Israel stock. As we learn from the pro-  Rich in churches, farms and cities; pastures, cattle, sheep --
                phetic Scriptures, the descendants of Jacob are de-       where this people British-bred their ancient laws may
                scribed as moving from Palestine to dwell in new lands       keep.
                and especially "isles", but also at the "haven of the sea"  First of Britain's family to come to Britain's aid --
                (Genesis 49). This is a perfect description of the Israel       In two great world-wide wars -- the memory shall not
                peoples who dwell on the European Continental sea-       fade --
                                                                From the Mother heart that beats in London's sanctuary.
                board -- in particular the people of the Netherlands.
                                                                     Across the world we hail New Zealand -- one of our com-
                Britain and the United States are slso given the pro-
                phetic analogy, representing as they do the power                                                    -- Patience Strong.
                structure promised to Joseph's twin sons, Ephraim and
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