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P. 41

                       Therefore Moses wrote this SONG the same day, and taught it to the children of Israel
                       (Deuteronomy 31:16-22).

                       YEHOVAH knew only too well that His people would eventually go WHORING after new
               and strange gods. He stated that He would forsake them -- HIDE HIS FACE from them -- and
               cause evil to befall them in the LATTER DAYS.

                       This song was to be a WITNESS for YEHOVAH against the MODERN NATIONS OF IS-
               RAEL. YEHOVAH did not intend for it to be forgotten, and caused it to be written down and pre-
               served for us TODAY! Unfortunately, our peoples do not understand its meaning, or BELIEVE that
               YEHOVAH would do the very things the song describes. However, that does not alter the fact that
               the Eternal God intends for it to be a WITNESS AGAINST THE MODERN NATIONS OF IS-
               RAEL IN THE LATTER DAYS -- the very END TIME that we are living in today!

                       We must publish and teach this song throughout the lands of modern Israel. It must go out as
               a WITNESS against our STIFF-NECKED AND REBELLIOUS PEOPLES! The Eternal God says
               it SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN in the mouths of the descendants of the children of Israel!

                       "Gather to Me all the elders of your tribes, and your officers, that I may speak these words
                       in their hearing and call heaven and earth to witness against them.

                       "For I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt and turn aside from the
                       way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you IN THE LATTER DAYS, be-
                       cause you will do evil in the sight of YEHOVAH, to provoke Him to anger through the
                       work of your hands."

                       Then Moses spoke in the hearing of all the congregation of Israel the words of this SONG
                       until they were ended: (Deuteronomy 31:28-30).

                       Let us now focus in on this SONG OF MOSES, and learn from YEHOVAH's own Word,
               the Bible, how this was to be a WITNESS AGAINST ISRAEL IN THE LATTER DAYS:

                                              Remember the Days of Old

                       "Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and hear O earth, the words of my mouth.

                       Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, as raindrops on the tender
                       herb, and as showers on the grass.

                       FOR I PROCLAIM THE NAME OF YEHOVAH: ascribe greatness to our God.

                       He is the ROCK, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice, a God of truth and with
                       out injustice; righteous and upright is He.

                       "They have corrupted themselves; they are not His children, because of their blemish: a
                       perverse and crooked generation.

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