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                The tribe of Dan is still not alone in its early associa-  of the Two Rivers. These "kings of the mountains" were
                tion with Ireland. The presence there of the Royal Line  undoubtedly the Patriarchs of the Bible from Shem to
                in the late B.C. centuries bespeaks a colony of Judah  Terah, including (H)eber who was born c. 2878 B.C.
                folk. The Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, signed by  They were called "The Children of KHALDIS" or "The
                Robert Bruce's barons in Parliament assembled, as-  Children of the River," which title (according to Pro-
                serts that the Scots who moved into and gave their  fessor L.A. Waddell) is the source of the names "Chal-
                name to Scotland had migrated from Scythia. They  dee," "Galatia" and "Kelt" or "Celt." It was Abram, the
                came in stages, via Greece and Spain, where there had  son of Terah, whom God chose to father a new racial
                been a colony of Judahites long before the period of  family named "Israel" after the name given by God to
                Jesus Christ. Dr. R.G. Latham, a well-known scholar of  his grandson, Jacob.
                the 19th century, in his  Ethnology of Europe, identi-
                fied the westward migrating Danaans of Greece defi-  According to the Chronicles of Eri, the Assyrians
                nitely as Danites. Ireland's Tuatha da Danaan may  swept in upon this civilization and forced them to re-
                also be considered in this context.            turn to the highlands of Ararat, the mountains making a
                                                               fortress for them against which the Assyrians could
                It thus emerges as a highly reasonable conclusion that,  not prevail. About 2,000 B.C. these people, except for
                centuries before the main body of Israel -- the Angles,  Terah and Abram who removed to Haran, began to
                Saxons, Jutes, Danes and Normans -- arrived in their  move westward across Europe to their final destina-
                Appointed Place in the Isles of the West by the "over-  tion, the British Isles. They were the Celts who later
                land" route, an advanced guard, by successive incur-  became famed for their mining activities and their ar-
                sions, followed the sea route in the mass moved into  tistic workings in copper and bronze. They can be iden-
                Britain.                                       tified as the Bronze Age men. They joined forces with
                                                               the Phoenicians, who had built large fleets of sea-
                                                            -- Wake Up!, October 1977.  going ships and entered into trade with the peoples of
                                                               Europe (including London), as far west as America and
                  A Trail of Timbered Houses: Way-             south to Arabia and ports on the east and west coasts of
                                                               Agrica. They supplied the ore from the copper and tin
                 marks of Israel's Westward Passage            mines of Spain and also of Cornwall and Somerset.

                The story of the migration of the children of Israel   Early Celts in North America
                from Assyria is intermingled with the migrations of
                Celts of the same race who were settled after the  Harvard professor Barry Fell in his book, America
                Flood on the shores of Lake Van on the flanks of the  B.C., has uncovered evidence that Celtic kings in many
                mountains of Ararat, 5,200 feet above sea level. Lake  parts of North America had their names carved in
                Van is about twice the size of Lake Geneva and was the  rocks in the Ogam language, a form of writing originat-
                headwater source of both the Tigris and the Euphrates.  ing with the Phoenicians and employed by the Celts in
                After the Flood Noah and his son Shem would have  their trade. Ogam is a language that employed only
                settled around Lake Van and then moved west towards  consonants,  similar to the Hebrew, the vowels being
                the Black Sea, the others going south, following the  omitted. He writes: "The Phoenicians are known to
                two big rivers to the Persian Gulf. There they provided  have had colonies in southern Spain; indeed, they are
                the leadership for the founding of a new civilization at  the founders of Cadiz...They carried their Semitic
                Ur, near the mouth of the Euphrates, built upon the ru-  tongue to Spain, where it was acquired by many of the
                ins of another city buried beneath ten feet of mud de-  native Spanish peoples, who wrote in a variant of Phoe-
                posited on it by the Flood.
                                                               nician script that epigraphers call Iberian."
                The graves of the kings of Ur were uncovered by the
                British archaeologist, Sir Charles Leonard Woolley,  Iberians are the "hero people" who started coming west
                and also a descriptive bit of writing labelled "List of  out of the Armenian heights about 2000 B.C. The first
                Larsa No. 1" which read as follows: "Now came the  migration, called the Buasce, moved west to Sidon,
                Flood. And after the Flood the kings of the mountain  where the Phoenician ships carried them to north-west
                peoples assumed dominion." It also fell to Woolley to  Spain sailing up the Douro River. One hundred and
                prove the historical reality of such a flood in the Land  forty years later another wave of Iber people left
                                                               Greater Scythia, where the Eri people had fled from

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