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                       meat" with the chodesh [new moon]. He could have simply stated something like, "the
                       king is expecting me for an appointment at dinner tomorrow." But the chodesh [new
                       moon] is the FOCAL POINT.

                       Second, he is going to hide himself in the field "unto the third day at even." the point to
                       which the term third may be referenced is the current day he is speaking in, i.e. the day
                       before the chodesh [new moon].

                       Continues Brown:

                       Then in verse 27, Saul notices David's absence again on the second of the chodesh [new
                       moon]. This shows the length of this special "new moon" gathering at the king's table to
                       be TWO DAYS IN A ROW. He tries to explain to himself that David's absence was due
                       to him being "unclean." The events then culminate in Jonathan shooting arrows as
                       planned on the third day (counting from the day before the chodesh) at even. Saul doesn't
                       ask again the next day why David didn't come. The special new moon gathering or
                       chodesh appears then to have ended -- AFTER TWO DAYS. We can safely assume then
                       that because there were two days in which David was expected, THAT PARTICULAR
                       [LUNAR] MONTH WAS 30 DAYS IN LENGTH. We can also assume that both those
                       days were not normal "work days" by the very existence of the feast. -- Pp. 57-58.

                       This also proves that up to the time of Saul and David the Israelites were still observing
               the weeks (and therefore the SABBATH) according to the LUNAR CALENDAR OR

                       "So," concludes Brown, "with this story of David we can begin to understand how 'feast-
               ing' is attached to the chodesh or 'new moon.' Everyone just sort of went 'on hold' and enjoyed the
               barbecue! The sighting of the crescent moon then ended it because that was the day wherein the
               counting of the new month AND WEEK began again" (ibid., p.58).

                       Further evidence is supplied by the Encyclopedia Biblica (1899) which says --

                       The New Moon and the Sabbaths alike called men to the sanctuary to do sacrifice as in:
                       Isaiah 1:12-17, Isa. 56:1-7, and Ezekiel 20:10-20. Hosea takes it for granted that in cap-
                       tivity the Sabbath will be suspended along with the other feasts, because in His day a
                       feast implied a sanctuary. The Sabbath is a Mark of Separation or division from the hea
                       then. In I Samuel 20:18, 24, and 27, the New Moon was celebrated TWO DAYS. The
                       Sabbath is on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th days FROM EACH NEW MOON. (Note: The
                       dark side of the moon would be 1 or 2 days, i.e. intercalary days.) -- The MacMillan
                       Company, p. 4177.

                       The same encyclopedia, on page 5290, notes that "the subdivision of the month was into
               weeks,...the week representing approximately a fourth. This quadripartite division of the month
               into weeks was suggested by THE PHASES OF THE MOON. The mode of reckoning AMONG
               THE ISRAELITES was by dividing the first 28 days of each month into 4 weeks, i.e. 7th, 14th,

   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28