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               collapsed as the body had come up out of the Research Institute. ‘I can assure you I have
               wrappings without disturbing them. Thus when compelling, rational and straightforward rea-
               John and Peter saw this, they knew that the resur- sons for saying the Shroud of Turin was
               rection of the Messiah had taken place. The linen painted with a thin watercolour paint by an
               wrappings could not retain his resurrected body artist.’
               any more than the locked room could prevent
               him from appearing to his disciples (John 20).  “McCrone said that in the sample he took of
                                                               the shroud he found evidence of red iron earth
               Thus, the claims made in regard to the so-called and vermilion paint, adding that there appear
               Holy Shroud are a spurious invention to deceive to be no brush marks because watercolour
               the credulous. It was evidently a product of the never produces brush marks. He said that if
               apostate church of the Middle Ages and used as the church ever allows the shroud to be car-
               an object of veneration so that the Church might bon dated, the process will prove conclu-
               profit by it. It is but one among many other sively that the cloth is a hoax.”
               fragmental articles of one kind or another which
               have been brought into being for a similar sup- A later report in the Pasadena Star News
               posedly sacred purpose. All such relics become a stated the following –
               source of idolatry and are condemned by
               YEHOVAH’s Word, the Bible. Even the brazen “The Shroud of Turin is only about 700 years
               serpent Moses made had to be destroyed because old and cannot be the authentic burial cloth of
               it had become an object of idolatrous worship. Jesus Christ as believed by millions over the
               The Shroud of Turin should be consigned to a centuries, the archbishop of Turin said Thurs-
               similar fate.                                   day.

               Since attention was first called to the Scriptural “Cardinal Anastasio Ballestrero’s announce-
               evidence demonstrating that this Shroud was a ment that he accepted the results of dating
               fake, we have been waiting for one of the many tests conducted by three laboratories ended a
               scientists examining the Shroud of Turin to fi- debate over the origin of the cloth that has
               nally confirm what we know to be true. We now raged for hundreds of years.
               have that confirmatory evidence in a statement
               by one of the best microscopists in the world. His “Ballestrero told a news conference at the
               statement was published in the Boston Herald headquarters of his archdiocese that car-
               American under the title “Shroud Called Hoax” bon-14 tests by labs in the United States, Brit-
               as follows:                                     ain and Switzerland concluded with 95
                                                               percent accuracy that the shroud cannot be
               “A one-time member of the Shroud of Turin Re- more than 728 years old, dating to between
               search Project said yesterday that the cloth be- 1260 and 1390.”
               lieved to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ is a
               hoax. Walter C. McCrone, described by one col- YEHOVAH God would not have allowed the
               league as the best microscopist in the world, said grave cloths to remain in existance to be ven-
               he found no evidence of blood on the centu- erated like a Catholic relic. If you recall, the
               ries-old material; he believes the images on the body of Moses was buried in an unknown
               cloth were painted. ‘I can’t sit still while my grave to prevent such adoration and worship
               findings are ignored -- worse yet, said to be in- from occurring -- which is pure adolatry in
               correct,’ said McCrone, head of the McCrone YEHOVAH’s eyes.

                                                                      The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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