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The House of Israel                                                                        69

               of at least a part of the people of the Netherlands is to be that an Eagle holds a very important place in it. How-
               seen on a stone tablet on a monument in the town of ever, we cannot use all of these eagles as evidence of
               Dokkum, in the Province of Friesland.           the Israelitish origin of the people of the Netherlands,
                                                               for more than half are the double-headed Eagle, of the
               Among the other emblems of ancient Israel which appear pre-1918 empires of Europe, whose origin is certainly
               in the provincial and municipal Arms of the Netherlands, not Israelitish.
               there are a few which we should consider. One of these is a
               Man, the emblem of the tribe of Reuben and of the                         -- W.H. Bennett
               three-tribed brigade of Reuben. This emblem appears in
               the Arms of at least twenty-four places including Bergen     Out of Scythia
               op Zoom, Hertogenbosch, Anloo, Beilen, Havelte,
               Oosterhasselen, Rolde, Sleen, Vries, Zuidwolde, Venlo  t can be shown conclusively that large numbers of
               and Sneek.                                      I the ancient people of Israel were removed by suc-
                                                                                cessive  Assyrian  monarchs
               In considering this evidence we should                         from their Palestinian homeland
               not overlook the significance of the                           and placed in the lands to the south
               fact that the form and posture of the                          and south- west of the Caspian Sea,
               Man in the Arms of most of these                               in or adjoining territory which was
               places is identical with the one in the                        soon  to  see  an  influx  of
               Arms of such widely separated places                           “Scythian”-migrating hordes. It is
               as   Denmark,  Greece,   Sweden                                beyond dispute that the deported
               (Lappland) and some of the Scottish                            Israelites became engulfed in this
               clans. This also points to a common                            westward-moving  tide,  which
               but very ancient origin.                                       comprised elements of several
                                                Arms of the Province of Zeeland
                                                                              races -- Nordic, Alpine and even
               Reuben’s secondary emblem, which                               Mongol.
               consists of a number of wavy bars representing a body of
               Water, appears on the shield in the Arms of the Province of  Out of this sea of peoples -- of various races, some bar-
               Zeeland and also in those of a dozen or more municipali-  barians, others civilized -- there gradually emerged the
               ties. The primary emblem of the tribe of Dan was a Ser-  important north-European nations of the Christian era.
               pent. This emblem, though not widely used among the  In such a way came the Celto-Saxon and kindred na-
               Celto-Saxon peoples, does appear in the Netherlands in  tions. A positive reconstruction of their movements
               the Arms of Westerbork, Zaandam, Eysden and fifteen or  has been impossible owing to the fact that a connected
               more other places. Dan’s secondary emblem was a Horse,  written record no longer exists and ethnologists have
               usually, though not always, white and sometimes with a  been compelled to rely on archaeology, folk-lore and
               rider. This also appears in the Arms of at least twelve  saga for such knowledge as is available. It is quite cer-
               places including Baarn, Westerbork, Zuidlaren and  tain that there is considerable divergence of opinion
               Winsum.                                         among the scholars who have investigated the matter.

               Here we should remember that the emblem on the standard  It is significant that modern researches in the lands an-
               of the brigade of Dan was an Eagle. This brigade was com-  ciently occupied by these people tend to support the
               posed of three tribes: Dan, Asher and Naphtali. Though  views of those scholars of past generations who were
               each of these had its own tribal emblem, they were all enti-  convinced that the Sacae of old and the Celto-Saxons
               tled to, and did, use their brigade emblem, the Eagle. We  of more modern times are racially identical and that for
               need only glance at the heraldry of the Netherlands to see  a long period they formed part of the Scythian hordes.

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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