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Murder Demands...Capital Punishment!                                                       55

                      In the specific case of Northern Ireland, should not be held fully responsible for their
               it was the terrorist killers who, over the years, re- actions who have propagated it. Our Maker
               tained power through acts of murder, and it was will never allow man simply to pass off his
               through the failure of the government to apply sin as the fault of his environment.
               true justice that caused it to loose its authority,
               and the power that accompanies it. The failure to      It is high time as a nation that we
               execute those convicted of the ultimate crime led woke up to the reality of evil that is in the
               to a situation where the government found itself world. We have rejected [YEHOVAH] God
               having to consult terrorist murderers in the Maze and His Law and this, more than anything
               prison.                                         else, has brought destruction upon us; but
                                                               also, the gentleness of the English nature has
                      All along the ruling authority has been abused by other cultures with their vio-
               failed to implement true justice through fear; lent criminal patterns. The truth is the peace
               fear of pressure groups and fear of making of the country is under attack by violent peo-
               wrongful conviction. The state that abandons ple that seem to be able to penetrate our bor-
               true justice through fear will heap to itself a ders at will. Yet the defense of the Realm is
               mountain of injustice and determine a course the first priority of government.
               towards eventual self-destruction.
                                                                      Unlawful killings in Britain reached
                      The fear of convicting the wrong person 850 in 2000, compared with just 282 in 1960.
               can never justify the failure to implement true Guns are being increasingly used on an ev-
               justice. Furthermore, this danger has now been eryday basis despite the most stringent legis-
               greatly diminished by the huge advance in scien- lation on firearms. Innocent, law-abiding
               tific and forensic testing. We should also keep in citizens are now in constant danger of being
               mind the fact that the figure of those murdered robbed, mugged or brutally murdered by an
               by killers, who have been released, is vastly increasing army of thugs who move about the
               greater than those who have been wrongfully streets of our cities almost with impunity.
               convicted of murder since 1965.
                                                                      The recently announced measures of
                      In times past, when a breakdown of law Britain’s Home Secretary to deal with street
               and order threatened in the countries of the crime are to be welcomed, but the over
               Celto-Saxon world, there was an instinctive 70,000 inmates of our overflowing prisons
               turning to the code of national and social control demand a far greater rethink of what needs to
               which has proved to be infallibly effective -- the be done. For example, it is estimated that fifty
               Law of the Lord. It is the Creator of Life Who per cent of prisoners are mentally ill. If we
               instigated capital punishment in order to took out at least the seriously ill people and
               safeguard society and the lives of His chil- gave them treatment, including spiritual
               dren.                                           treatment, in special units or hospitals, they
                                                               would free up both prison cells and the money
                      The Abolitionist movement, which has for an area that is desperately needed.
               grown so strong in recent decades in Britain, is
               obviously not based on any truly moral grounds,        We believe that unless and until our
               despite its pious protestations to the contrary. It national thinking can recover the reality of
               is mainly those who feel that it is, somehow, the the true framework of justice for a God-orien-
               fault of society that men are evil and that they tated civilization, there is little hope of a re-

              The Berean Voice March-April 2003
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