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48                                                 Ellen G. White -- Messenger or Medium?

                ELLEN G. WHITE -- MESSENGER

                                          OR MEDIUM?

                             Ellen G. White called herself "the Lord's messenger." Her follow-
                             ers claimed she was a prophetess whose writings were a necessary
                             aid to Bible understanding. Were Mrs. White's visions from
                             YEHOVAH God, or were they from the spirits of darkness? How
                             can we tell? What about the trances she frequently succumbed to
                             and the amazing strength she exhibited during them? Were her "out
                             of body" experiences and frequent "fainting spells" signs of a ser-
                             vant of YEHOVAH -- or was she simply a medium through whom
                             the powers of darkness made themselves known?

                                                   John D. Keyser

              E   llen G. White, the well-known leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for more than 60
                  years, liked to be known as "the Lord's messenger." Although she refrained from coming right
                  out and claiming to be a prophetess, her followers claimed that she was, and made her prophe-
              cies a "test of fellowship" within the Church.

                     In the Review and Herald, dated October 4, 1928, the editor made this pronouncement: "As
              Samuel was a prophet to Israel in his day, as Jeremiah was a prophet to Israel in the days of his cap-
              tivity, as John the Baptist came as a special messenger of the Lord to prepare the way for Christ's ap-
              pearing, so we believe that Mrs. White was A PROPHET to the Church of Christ today."

                     Although she didn't call herself a prophetess, Ellen G. White did, however, class herself
              along with the Biblical prophets. "In ancient times God spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and
              apostles," she wrote in 1876. "In these days he speaks to them by the Testimonies of his Spirit" -- a
              PLAIN REFERENCE to her own work (Testimonies, vol.4, p.148).

                     Was, then, Ellen G. White a prophetess or "MESSENGER" of YEHOVAH God or-- as
              some have supposed -- a MEDIUM of the spirit world? Psychic mediums claimed to be guided by
              an invisible power, but so did Ellen G. White. Was there really a difference? Is there a possibility--
              no matter how remote -- that she may have been influenced by the same forces that controlled the
              mediums of her day -- and those of today as well?

                     Let us study the life of this enigmatic woman and REVEAL THE FACTS concerning her
              role in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The final arbiter in this study will be -- and must be -- the
              Word of YEHOVAH, the Bible.

                                                              The Berean Voice November-December 2002
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