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The Incorruptible God?                                                                     61

               Christ’s body had not been resurrected it would son, not three [or two]!) as the only eternal
               have decayed and experienced corruption. The power and divine Being. It is His glory alone
               mere act of transitioning from God to human was which is supreme, as He states repeatedly in
               an act of becoming corruptible or capable of cor- numerous verses in Isaiah 44 and 45. The
               ruption or decay. There is only one way around convoluted and complex reasoning of the
               this and that is to assert that Jesus was not really Greeks, adopted by the church councils, was a
               a man and did not really “come in the flesh,” the product of their own perverted “wisdom”
               corruptible flesh.                              necessary to fill the vacuum of knowledge
                                                               created by them in rejection of the Hebrew
                      Our human existence is a progressive God’s simple plan of salvation for all. Cre-
               state of corruption. From the moment we are ating their own problem, they attempted to
               born we are in a constant state of decay, our cells solve it with a maze of mystical theories of
               dying and being replaced and some, in the case One and Three.
               of the brain, dying and not being replaced.
                                                                      The pagans believed that God was im-
                      God made the creation subject to this personal and unapproachable and, therefore,
               condition of corruption (Romans 8:20-21) ex- had to be brought down to earth so that mortal
               pressly to force us to look forward to becoming (corruptible) man could associated and feel
               incorruptible through Christ and the coming res- close to God. So they made God like mortal
               urrection which will grant us entrance into his (corruptible) man -- exactly what God said
               glorious Kingdom (I Corinthians 15:23, etc.)    could not be done! In their wisdom they be-
                                                               came fools, and why? Because they just could
                      Romans 1:18-22 says that the “wrath of not accept the simplicity of God’s revealed
               God is revealed from heaven against all ungodli- word. They possessed also a deep-seated op-
               ness and unrighteousness, because what may be position to the Hebrew faith of Jesus and his
               known of God is manifest in them, for God has belief that God was one Person only.
               shown it to them. For since the creation of the
               world His invisible attributes are clearly seen,       The irony of the whole story is that
               being understood by the things that are made, God did reveal Himself in corruptible man
               even His eternal power and Godhead (divine na- and “the word became flesh and dwelt
               ture), so that they are without excuse, because, amongst us.” But this is a far cry from the im-
               although they knew God, they did not glorify mortal God actually becoming mortal man.
               Him as God, nor were thankful, but became fu- Jesus the Messiah became exactly what God
               tile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts intended for Adam. Adam failed. The second
               were darkened. Professing themselves to be Adam, though corruptible, led the way to
               wise, they became fools, and changed the glory eternal life and incorruptibility. This second
               of the incorruptible God into an image made Adam was the perfect reflection and image of
               like corruptible man and birds and four-footed the Eternal God. Because of Christ’s perfect
               beasts and creeping things.”                    life in serving God and mankind he became
                                                               the firstborn among many other brethren.
                      This is a focused indictment by Paul
               against Greek and Roman philosophical teach-           I Corinthians 15 is another marvelous
               ings and it summarily destroys, in a few verses, revelation from God outlining His plan for
               all the pagan ’Gnostic notions of the day. First of Adam and the human race. In 34 verses God
               all, God establishes Himself (singular, One Per- destroys not one but two unscriptural doc-

              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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