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              YEHOVAH’s Tithe in Scripture                                                               85

              feared the Lord more and more," whilst the concluding words of his deathbed saying were: “And
              now, my children, consider what alms doeth, and how righteousness doth deliver” (Tobit 14:2-11).

                     These principles, taught in Tobit, are re-echoed and enlarged upon in Ecclesiasticus, or the
              Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach, wherein we read, concerning gifts to YEHOVAH God and His
              ministers, “My son, according as thou hast, do well unto thyself, and bring offerings unto the Lord
              worthily," Ecclesiaticus 14:11. More fully this same writer says:

                     He that keepeth the law multiplieth offerings; He that taketh heed to the commandments
                     sacrificeth a peace offering. He that requiteth a good turn offereth fine flour: And he that
                     giveth alms sacrificeth a thank offering. To depart from wickedness is a thing pleasing to the
                     Lord; And to depart from unrighteousness is a propitiation. See that thou appear not in the
                     presence of the Lord empty. For all these things are to be done because of the command-
                     ment. The offering of the righteous maketh the altar fat; And the sweet savour thereof is be-
                     fore the Most High. The sacrifice of a righteous man is acceptable; And the memorial
                     thereof shall not be forgotten. Glorify the Lord with a good eye, And stint not the first
                     fruits of thine hands. In every gift show a cheerful countenance, And dedicate thy tithes
                     with gladness. Give unto the Most High according as He hath given; And as thy hand hath
                     found, give with a good eye. For the Lord recompenseth, And He will recompense thee
                     sevenfold (Ecclesiasticus 35:1-11).

                     The following is much to the same effect: “Fear the Lord with all thy soul; And reverence
              His priests. With all thy strength love Him that made thee: And forsake not His ministers. Fear the
              Lord and glorify the priest: And give him his portion, even as it is commanded thee: The first fruits,
              and the trespass offering, and the gift of the shoulders, And the sacrifice of sanctification, and the
              first fruits of holy things. Also to the poor man stretch out thy hand, That thy blessing may be per-
              fected" (Ecclesiasticus 7:29-32).

                     This last sentence takes our thoughts from religious offerings to YEHOVAH, to almsgiving
              to men, concerning which the son of Sirach says: “Water will quench a flaming fire; And
              almsgiving will make atonement for sins" (Ecclesiasticus 3:30).

                     Again: “Be not faint-hearted in thy prayer; And neglect not to give alms” (Ecclesiasticus

                     Once more: “With Him the alms of a man is as a signet; And He will keep the bounty of a
              man as the apple of the eye" (Ecclesiasticus 17:22).

                     But, at the same time, alms were not recommended to be given to all alike, as the following
              shows: “There shall no good come to him that continueth to do evil, Nor to him that giveth no alms.
              Give to the godly man, And help not the sinner. Do good to one that is lowly, And give not to an un-
              godly man: Keep back his bread, and give it not to him, Lest he overmaster thee thereby: For thou
              shalt receive twice as much evil. For all the good thou shalt have done unto him. For the Most High
              also hateth sinners, And will repay vengeance unto the ungodly. Give to the good man, And help not
              the sinner" (Ecclesiasticus 12:3-7).

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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