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              64                                                               Islam -- A Peaceful Religion?

                     He further points out that Article 7 requires that “The rights and freedoms set forth in the
              present Declaration shall be accorded in national legislations...”

                     This surely reveals to us the utter disaster of the international organization which pro-
              pounds concepts ENTIRELY AT VARIANCE with the Divine requirement for the nations of
              YEHOVAH God’s Servant People. National legislation must not in any circumstance permit the
              proliferation of religions ALIEN to the pure worship of the God of Israel -- Islam included. A terri-
              ble price will have to be paid by the modern nations of Israel who transgress YEHOVAH’s wishes
              in this respect.

                                                  Spiritual Warfare

                     To see the mentality of people like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein through Western
              eyes is a serious failure of understanding what we are really fighting in militant Islam. What is in-
              volved is a powerful alien spirit and mind-control religion, which for the purpose of fulfilling its
              own destiny, is quite prepared to go to war and be destroyed in the process. However, the calcula-
              tion by Iraq is certainly along the lines that the United States will not risk starting a conflict to oust
              Hussein from power.

                     But if Iraq is allowed to acquire an offensive nuclear capability, then the balance of power in
              the Middle East will be destabilized to a far graver extent than is suggested by conventional models
              of nuclear proliferation. There is an inversion of ordinary psychology that has quite ominous impli-
              cations. A holy war for militant Islam in the new century using nuclear weapons would pro-
              duce, in the mind of the militant Moslems, the conditions for “the Deliverer” to come. It is the
              Moslem belief that they have entered the last century of their (lunar) calendar when the world will
              go up in flames to bring about the coming of the one who will bring them into a position of suprem-
              acy in the world.

                     According to the Quran, “God (Allah) has given the whole world to the Moslems. He made
              them its masters and inheritors.” The natural human fear of violent death is overcome by the pros-
              pect of eternal happiness following martyrdom in a holy war -- the highest calling for the Moslem to

                     Unless the West comes to grips with what Islam is really about, the prospects for stemming
              the march of this Satanic religion and civilization will be greatly hindered. Let’s take a look at the
              Quran itself and see what it really says:

                                                      The Quran

              [Shakir 9:5] So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you
              find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush,
              then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Al-
              lah is Forgiving, Merciful.

                                                                       The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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