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              56                                                                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag

              genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of be the priestly, royal authority and position of Yeshua the
              life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest contin- Messiah.
              ually.” Now since we are told that Melchizedek was with-
              out father or mother, many have jumped to the conclusion  Let’s look at it another way. Many who think that
              that he was an angelic being, or Yeshua himself, who sim- Yeshua was Melchizedek in the Old Testament must -- of
              ply assumed the form of a man and played the role set forth necessity -- support the concept of the “pre-existence” of
              in Genesis 14. Not only that, but Paul says that the Messiah before his human birth. Many -- who believe
              Melchizedek was without genealogy -- and without the be- that Yeshua “pre-existed” -- also believe that he was the
              ginning of life or the end of days.            Creator God of the Old Testament. But, if we follow this
                                                             line of reasoning, we must come to the conclusion that
                     What is the significance of this mysterious and Yeshua (as Melchizedek) was the HIGH PRIEST TO
              puzzling language? A clue to its meaning can be found in HIMSELF! This position is illogical and unsupported by
              the writings of Josephus, the first-century A.D. Jewish his- the Bible. YEHOVAH God’s way is to work through hu-
              torian. Josephus says that Sarah, the wife of Abraham, was man beings and not do everything Himself. Logic de-
              WITHOUT MOTHER. Since this is a physical impossibil- mands that one or possibly more (though unrecorded)
              ity, it cannot be taken seriously. Since she was a physical, righteous men were called to be a Priest and King as a rep-
              literal woman, this statement must have a different mean- resentative of the Creator God -- and a TYPE of the Mes-
              ing and significance. When one checks the Genesis record, siah to come. Yeshua DID NOT “pre-exist” his humanity,
              no account of Sarah’s ancestors can be found -- nor of her he was NOT the Creator God of the Old Testament, and he
              birth nor of the early days of her life. Paul, in the book of was NOT Melchizedek who gave a blessing to Abraham.
              Hebrews, referred to Melchizedek in the same fashion as
              Josephus did when referring to Sarah. She was without
              mother -- that is, without parents as far as the record is con-
              cerned. In the Graeco-Roman world men of prominence,  How YOU or a Friend Can Receive FREE
              whose fathers were insignificant, were COMMONLY      a Subscription to “THE BEREAN
              spoken of as not having a father or mother. Those using     VOICE” Magazine!
              such terms wanted it to be understood that the parents of
                                                               We send out The Berean Voice to all who
              their subject were as nothing in the estimation of the patri-
                                                               wish to receive it -- absolutely FREE of
              cians. Therefore, we should construe the language con-
                                                               charge. If you have friends or relatives who
              cerning Melchizedek being without father and mother
              (having neither beginning of days nor end of life) as hav-  you think might enjoy reading The Berean
                                                               Voice, then we would be more than happy to
              ing the same connotation. Because Melchizedek was with-
                                                               send them a free one-year trial subscription.
              out father or mother, without beginning of days or end of
              life as far as the genealogical tables were concerned, this
              only means he was without genealogical recognition. His
              ancestors or relatives were not important to the scenario
              YEHOVAH wanted conveyed in the Scriptures.

                     Melchizedek was an actual, literal MAN -- one
              who was a priest of YEHOVAH God -- a faithful servant
              of the Creator God. He was A TYPE OF THE MESSIAH,
              made a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
                                                               Mail to: Hope of Israel Ministries
              Yeshua, like Melchizedek, was not born of the tribe of
                                                               P.O. Box 6772
              Levi,  yet  BOTH  were  priests  of  YEHOVAH.
                                                               Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.
              Melchizedek and his reign was TYPICAL of what was to

                                                                       The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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