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              Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    43

              God worship. And I count on your cooperation and en- and Yahshua pre-existed in Heaven with Yahweh before
              couragement to succeed on this feat for Hashem IAUE’s He was born on earth. He was also sinless. (After all, He is
              sake.                                          mentioned in Genesis 1 in connection with the creation of
                                                             the world.) If you care to debate these issues, I will be glad
                     Sir, I want to be a really man of Yahweh in words to.
              and in deed. I hope and pray that you support me to further
              the advancement of the Kingdom news by providing some  You write wondering how the snails got here to
              of my needs about the word of Yahweh our Father and California from meeting Ararat. Not long after moving
              Yahshua our Messiah. Therefore, I hope to receive words here I heard and also read that a Frenchman brought them
              and materials from you soonest. I and my group -- Truth here thinking to establish a market for them here. There are
              and Life Covenant of IAUE -- are the seekers of the truth a number of weeds, plants, and creatures (like the horse)
              and a lot of preachers have gone wrongly here in Nigeria that were brought here from across the oceans. This has
              misleading and deceiving people in a wrong way which caused much havoc in nature here because the imported
              will not please the Most High Yahweh. We do not longer species are crowding out the natives and this is creating
              want to be victims to them again once we have found the even more confusion in nature.
              truth as a light that should lead us to the Kingdom of
              Yahweh, so help us to achieve our aims in the sight of  Written history only goes back about 4,000 years.
              Yahweh by directing us in right way and teach us the same Just go back to 1002 A.D. How different and primitive was
              as Igbo Black Jews in Nigeria.                 human life back then? I do not have any trouble believing
                                                             that our world is nearing 6000 years. In fact, Yahshua will
                     Finally, I request from your office to grant us to return at the start of the millennium, a Jubilee year (Some
              visit Hope of Yisrael Ministries on Passover and Taberna- Day of Atonement).
              cle Feast of Yahweh next year, 2002, only for you to edu-
              cate us more concerning the word of Yahweh and His son  We have not found any group to fellowship with.
              Yahshua for us to know the truth in them, this is the most If you happen to know of a sincere group or individuals in
              important to us. Seriously as of now I hope to receive this this area, please let me know. (Orange County near Dis-
              letter with our invitation letter and that would please our neyland) In over 20 years I have not found any Holy Spirit
              Creator from Heaven above.                     filled group or individuals who have stood the test of time.
                                                             This has made me sad but something we have to bear. It is
              Toda Rada.                                     something I should be used to by now but I am really not.

              Thanks and Yahweh bless.                              I am also interested in the finding of the original
                                                             ark of the Covenant (which I believe to be still hidden in
              Yours sincerely,                               Israel). Also, prophecy has been in my life since I was 20.
                                                             Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 & 39 have been of great importance.
              I.S.O. (Nigeria)                               I’ve been expecting the latter since the mid 1980s. Any
                                                             help you can give will be appreciated.
                                                             Your sister in Yahshua,
              Dear John,
                                                             J.D. (California)
                     Greetings of joy and wisdom again in Yahshua.
              Enclosed is the form requesting a trial subscription. Some COMMENT: It is absolute nonsense that snails were first
              of your beliefs concern me but at least your publication is brought to this country in recent times by a Frenchman.
              making me think and prove my own faith. However, I will There are very numerous species of both freshwater and
              state that the whole world experienced the Biblical flood land snails to be found in North America. Among repre-

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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