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              The Name “Jew” -- How Did It Originate?                                                    27

                     Countless copies of the 18th century edition of the revised King James translation of the
              New Testament into English, have been distributed to the clergy and church members throughout
              the “Christian” Caucasian English-speaking world. The clergy and the laity did not know the his-
              tory of the origin of the English word “Jew” nor did they care. They accepted the English word
              “Jew” as the correct form of the Latin “Iudaeus” and the Greek “Ioudaios” (Judeans) translated
              “Jews” in 1775 in place of the correct word “Judeans.” The researcher, Benjamin H. Freedman,
              asked the question: How could they be expected to have known otherwise? The answer is they
              could not and they did not. It was a new English word to them, says Freedman.

                     Following the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70, many of these Canaanite
              Jew linen workers (I Chronicles 4:21) migrated by way of Spain and settled in southern Ireland
              where they were known for many years as Canaanites from Judea. In time they adopted the Catholic
              religion and thus became known as Irish Catholics — substituting “Catholic” in place of the identi-
              fying word “Canaanite,” which has deceived millions as to the true identity of a percentage of
              Southern Irish people, and the underlying reason for their continuing war against the (Scoto-Israel-
              ite) Ulstermen in Northern Ireland.

                     In Medieval Western Europe these Shelanites were shunned and segregated into ghettos by
              the “Christian” Caucasian people for fear of the “curse of Cain” coming upon their children from
              wrongful interbreeding — miscegenation and racial intermarriages. (The modern so-called “Chris-
              tian” clergymen today have caused a near complete obliteration of the truth regarding the “curse of
              Cain” and the “doctrine of Balaam” Isaiah 3:8-9).

                     Flavius Josephus, a Canaanite Pharisee historian of the first century A.D., coined the term
              “Judaism” in order to pit it against Greek “Hellenism.” Rabbi Adolph Moses, writing about the Re-
              ligion of the Jews, the Babylonian Talmud Traditions of the Elders, stated: “It was only in compara-
              tively recent times, after the Jews became familiar with modern Christian literature, that they began
              to name their religion Judaism.” The Western English-speaking Protestant and Catholic clergy im-
              mediately accepted the deception and coupled it in front of their “Christian” doctrine, namely:
              Judaeo-Christianity — a name which CANNOT be found in the Bible!

                                     THAT LITTLE WORD “DIA”

                        “BY Yeshua were all things created,” is what “Three Creation Scriptures”
                 (Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 3:9, Hebrews 1:2) seem to be saying.

                        BY is translated from the Greek dia (#1223) which according to Strong’s Dictionary
                 is a primitive preposition denoting the channel of an act. Dia may be translated as “after, al-
                 ways, among, at to avoid, BECAUSE OF, briefly, BY, FOR, from, in, by reason of, that,
                 though, through.”

                        One way to decide which word to use for dia is to examine the context of the scripture
                 in which it is used. Why was BY chosen by the translators of some versions instead of FOR?
                 Trinitarian translators would have their reasons; others would have their reasons. Context
                 must decide which is correct.

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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