Page 68 - BV14
P. 68

The economic plight of Arabia created a pastoral society which had developed into two groups:
        firstly, the majority, known as the Bedouins, who had not only to keep wandering in search of pastures
        but also supplement their meager livelihood by resorting to brigandage, which meant raiding other tribes
        and commercial caravans. Though it was sheer looting, it assured them solace, security and survival,
        and, therefore, it was not looked down upon as sinful but a source of power, pleasure and prestige. This
        institution of brigandage known as ghazwa (razzia) had existed long before the advent of prophet Mu-
        hammad, the greatest Arab national hero. The Umayyad poet al-Qutami has alluded to this custom in his
        two verses: "Our business is to make raids on the enemy, on our neighbor and on our own brother, in
        case we find none to raid but a brother."

               Obviously, robbing others, was a compulsive trait of the Arab national character and this is the
        reason that it was not considered an act of impiety but a mark of honor and manliness. Realizing its sig-
        nificance, the Prophet converted this institution into a religious doctrine called 'Jehad' i.e. the Holy War
        against infidels to build an Arab Empire. However, the Arab Empire, though in essence was exactly like
        any other empire, in appearance it was to look godly. Therefore, it was named as Empire of Allah, who
        is said to be the greatest, yet dependent on man for its creation!

               The doctrine of Jehad  which incorporates the Arab custom of 'razzia' (raiding for booty), is
        really stunning in its constitution and application. Since it seeks ascendancy of Arabia and annihilation of
        non-Arabs in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, it vouched for the great wisdom of its author by
        making the wolf appear as a lamb, wrong as right and bleak as bright.

               Though I have already tried to explain the nature of Jehad, in view of its complexity and emo-
        tional appeal, I think, it is necessary to be repetitive for elucidating this blood-thirsty war mechanism,
        which served not only as the cornerstone of the Arab Empire but also as the pillar of its Spiritual Em-
        pire, which sprang from the ashes of the former, and has now emerged as the most formidable challenge
        to the intellectual and moral dignity of man and his civilization. I, therefore, re-present a short sketch of
        this divine stratagem:

        1/. The first principle of Jehad is that a person loses his free will and becomes a slave of Allah when he
        accepts Islam because it creates certain duties and rewards which do not come within the jurisdiction of
        morality abnormally understood by cultured people:

               "Verily Allah has purchased the believers Their lives and their properties; For theirs (in
               return) is paradise. They fight in His (Allah's) cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It
               is a promise in truth which is binding on Him." (9:III)

               Remember that paradise is the place of luxury which abounds in beautiful virgins and boys and
        where everything is available free of charge; again, toil, sickness, aging and death are also unknown

        2/. What is Allah's cause? It is simply killing infidels. And what is an infidel? He or she is someone who
        denies Muhammad; it does not matter a jot if he/she is a lover of God! So fond is Allah of murdering the
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