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And it was this English Channel which saved Britain from Spain, Napoleon, the Kaiser and
        Adolf Hitler! In 1940 and 1941 the Nazi leaders looked out across the English Channel from France
        and wished that they could cross it. In vain they tried! The English Channel has been described as "Brit-
        ain's great tank trap," and we can be thankful that it was so. Imagine what would have happened if there
        had been no English Channel and Hitler had been able to overrun Britain as he had Holland, Belgium
        and France! We can thank YEHOVAH God that He had given that protection to Britain as the Stone
        Kingdom -- "cut out without hands."

               As YEHOVAH God's battle ax we may yet have to face and destroy those who would seek to
        dominate the world. It is well to bear in mind that Britain and the U.S. are the only two great powers
        that have never been defeated in war. Korea was a stalemate and the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam. All
        the other great powers have been defeated -- including Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Russia,
        China and Japan. This is in keeping with Daniel 2:44 --

               And in the days of these kings (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome) shall the God of
               heaven set up a kingdom (Israel), which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall
               not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms
               and it shall stand for ever.

               This is why Britain and the U.S. have never been defeated, and never will be in war, and will
        stand "forever." Let those forces of evil in the world take note! The mountain phase of the Stone King-
        dom is not yet here. This will not become a fact until the Messiah and his heavenly Father return to this
        earth to usher in peace and prosperity for the peoples therein. At that time Yeshua will take over the
        reigns of the House of Jacob and rule forever over YEHOVAH's chosen people. YEHOVAH will
        move in behalf of His people so that the Stone Kingdom will not be destroyed by the evil forces that
        come up against it, since the House of Jacob is to grow into a mountain and fill the entire earth.

                                                                         Queen Elizabeth I

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