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Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham. These  heartedly by God's newly-commissioned Servant-
         were all great men; wise in their generations.  nation, Israel, the selected offshoot of that same line.

         The Shemites -- and therefore the Israelites   But this was not yet to be. After a highly unsatisfactory
         -- were Indo-European                          period of trial, the Servant-nation faltered and failed;
                                                        finally to be expelled from their Promised Land for
         The Shemites, among whom the exiled Israelites were  punishment and retraining, under the terms of the pen-
         thrust in the period 8th-7th centuries B.C. were less  alty clauses of the Old Covenant which God had made
         contaminated by the corruptions which produced the  with Israel at Sinai. By stages, they were deported from
         irreligious stench of Canaan though -- as was the case  their land. It was no accident of fate that carried the
         with the rest of the civilized peoples -- their worship  great bulk of them to the very territory from whence
         also deteriorated. Even so, the worst excesses of Ca-  their Shemite forefathers had first emerged and devel-
         naan were not present and the Israelites had the oppor-  oped, after the Flood -- in the region of the High Cas-
         tunity of becoming less corrupt and of some moral  pian and Caucasus -- from whence also came the
         cleansing among peoples of their own race as, uncon-  acknowledged forefathers of our Celto-Saxon peoples
         sciously they awaited God's urge towards their west-  -- of the so-called Indo-Europeans of secular history.
         ward trek to the Isles of the West.            Sac names have proclaimed the Shem trails, the world
                                                        over, during the early millennia B.C.
         We must realize that the terms Shemite  and Semitic
         are NOT by any means interchangeable. The former re-                                 -- Wake Up! (April 1979).
         fers to descendants of the progenitor who first bore
         that name, Israelites among them. On the other hand,  Man of Destiny -- Alexander the
         the linguistic term "Semite" connotes peoples of vari-            Great
         ous races who spoke one of the so-called "Semitic"
         languages -- including the original Shemites.
                                                        Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) founded the an-
                                                        cient Greek empire, after having crushed the power of
         The Israelites were of the same basic racial stock as  Persia and conquered Syria and Egypt. His realm ex-
         the Shemites. It follows that any modern racial term  tended to the borders of India.
         which we may use to denote the English-speaking and
         kindred peoples as descendants of Israel must  refer  He occupies a prominent place in Bible prophecy, be-
         also to any residue of what remains of their parent Ad-  ing referred to in the eighth chapter of Daniel  as a
         amic stock, i.e. Nordic, Mediterranean, and Alpine.  "rough he-goat" who would overthrow the empire of
         Without this premise, the equation would be hazy,  Persia. The vision foretold that he would die at the
         to say the least, for physical characteristics could  height of his power and that his kingdom would be di-
         not have changed substantially during the com-  vided into four. This duly came to pass when, following
         paratively brief period which has elapsed since the  his death, four of his generals divided the empire be-
         period of the Deluge.
                                                        tween them.
         It is impossible to ignore the knowledge on the ra-  Alexander is also mentioned in the eleventh chapter of
         cial aspect which is now provided by modern eth-  Daniel, where the division of his empire between the
         nology and anthropology. It is thus an inescapable  four generals is again foretold, the prominence of two
         fact that Israel -- ancient and modern -- must fall  of them being particularly stressed. In fulfillment of
         within one or other of the three acknowledged  this prophecy, Ptolemy took Egypt, whilst Seleucus
         streams of racial classification of the Caucasoid  appropriated Syria. These respectively became the
         group mentioned.
                                                        "kings of the south and north" being the first protago-
                                                        nists of an age-long struggle amongst the gentile fac-
         Israel to take over                            tions which have comprised the Babylonian succession
                                                        of Continental empires.
         After Sinai, it ought to have transpired that the respon-
         sibility resting on the faithful line of Shem as a whole                            -- Wake Up! (October 1979).
         should have eased and have been shouldered whole-

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