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like a righteous judge or die trying. And that  2) The seventh day sabbath observed by the
                judgement says that they go to Satan's Syna-   Jews in the time of Christ was correct with re-
                gogue in Satan's World and honour Satan's      gards to its timing.
                puppet-god Saturn every pagan Saturday.
                                                               3) That the Jews have preserved the oracles
                  -- Message Board Posting by David Hinkley    (including the calendar) of God does not nec-
                                                               essarily mean that they have continued to ob-
                After 7 weeks, (admittedly though planetary    serve them correctly. We know that they do
                ones not lunar), of studying and praying for un-  have error particularly in their Sabbath obser-
                derstanding I finally came to a point last week-  vance so we need to be careful about assuming
                end where I was able to resolve the lunar vs   that they have kept its proper place in the cal-
                planetary week Sabbath issue for myself. I     endar. And, without a careful historical re-
                have to say it's been a heavy weight on me, a view, it does come down to an assumption.
                cornerstone like this one has a lot of inertia.
                                                               4) The only calendar given by God is based on
                The whole lunar argument seemed logical        the sun and the moon. We long ago recognized
                when I first read it but so did some of the ini-  that we could not determine the annual Holy
                tial 'changes' in WCG. I like to keep an open  Days from our modern pagan calendar. Why
                mind but am always wary of something that      have we assumed that God's other weekly ap-
                'seems' right especially when it starts chipping  pointment is fine where it is, completely disso-
                away at the foundations. Having initially toyed  ciated from the only calendar He gave and
                with, then tested and found WCG's changes to   nailed firmly onto the self-perpetuating Roman
                be false, the lesson of proving all things was  week?
                brought home soundly. So it's taken a little
                while for me to process everything.            5) The Bible doesn't repeatedly mention some-
                                                               thing without it having significance. Why then,
                What have I found? Well, I'm obviously not the  have the New Moons and their Sabbath asso-
                only one feeling some inertia. Although not as  ciation gone relatively unnoticed? I remember
                much as some judging by some of the posts [on  talking to a WCG minister one time about the
                the Message Board] here over the last 7        annual Holy Days and he could tell me when
                weeks. I read the arguments against the lunar  they were but not how the lunar calendar
                Sabbath but was disappointed to find that      worked. I thought then that it was odd consid-
                rather than disproving by Biblical authority   ering that it was God's calendar after all and
                they mostly reflected a hard line position that  shouldn't we be looking to it first?
                is its own authority. If we are to make an ob-
                jective study of the matter then the central   6) The Bible is fairly short on actual dates so
                points, as I see them, are as follows:         when it does give them as in Exodus 16 we
                                                               ought to take some notice.
                1) The Bible clearly defines the seventh day as
                the sabbath but does not map that day to our   7) 1 Sam 20 gives a clear account of a double
                current week. Hence, Saturday cannot be        new moon. KJV has it as "second of the month"
                proved or disproved by a seventh day argu-     but my Strong's definitions for 4283, 2320 &
                ment alone.                                    8145 literally give "the morrow of the new
                                                               moon double". Sounds to me like this new
                                                               moon was a double one.

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