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If you accept the evidence that the time sequence of the crucifixion and resurrection cover a
               three-day period (Preparation Day, Sabbath and first day of the week), and that Christ was put to
               death in 30 A.D. -- then right here you have proof that the weekly cycle kept by the Jews of Christ's
               day was totally different to that we keep today! Why? Because in 30 A.D. the Sabbath after
               Christ's death falls on a THURSDAY according to our Gregorian calendar!

                                     How Should We Determine the Weekly Sabbath?

                       In order to correctly observe God's weekly Sabbath day, how do we determine when the
               phases of the moon occur? Should we "observe" the new moon like the Jews did during the Second
               Temple period? Or should we follow the calendar the Jews have preserved for us today? This is
               plenty of evidence coming to light that not only did the Jews corrupt the weekly cycle but they in-
               troduced "postponements" in order to prevent the holy days clashing with the weekly Sabbath --
               which would have occurred with the changes in the calendar. Upcoming articles will deal with this
               question. I will be publishing a calendar soon on the Hope of Israel website and in the Berean
               Voice showing when God's Sabbath day falls for the year of 2000.

                       The information I have presented in this article is by no means exhaustive but, in order to
               keep this study at a reasonable length, I am going to defer more evidence to future articles. To re-
               cap, it is becoming more and more evident that the age-old arguments about WHICH day the Sab-
               bath falls on (i.e., Saturday or Sunday) have been totally misguided and have completely missed
               the point! The Biblical and historical references show that the weekly cycle -- as kept by the Isra-
               elites in the Old Testament and the Jews and Christians in the New Testament -- was totally differ-
               ent to ours today and revolved around the lunar calendar -- the same calendar used to determine
               the new moons and feast days.

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