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disappearance, this event begins at least one full day prior to the first crescent. So, counting from
               the disappearance as day one, the first crescent is day two. We then arrive at what the Babylonian
               calendar called the 14th, but the Bible calls it the 15th.

                       Using the 8, 15, 22 and 29 sequence the writers of the Bible inadvertently let us know how
               it worked.

                       The main point to understand in all this is that the annual high days (with the exceptions of
               Pentecost and Atonement) ALWAYS FALL ON THE WEEKLY SABBATH! That this is so can be
               corroborated by Ezekiel 46, where it says:

                       Verse 1: "Thus says the Lord God: 'The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the
               east shall be shut THE SIX WORKING DAYS; but on the SABBATH it shall be opened, and on
               the day of the NEW MOON [chodesh] it shall be opened.'"

                       Verse 3: "Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the entrance to this gateway be-
               fore the Lord on the Sabbaths and the New Moons [chodesh]."

                       Notice here that it says the gate "shall be shut the six working days," then EXCLUDES the
               Sabbath AND new moon from  these days. Notice also, that the annual "feasts" aren't specifically
               mentioned -- this would seem like a huge oversight on Ezekiel's part. But we have just learned that
               the feasts begin and end with weekly Sabbaths, so they must therefore be implied in the above
               verses. And again, the Law doesn't specify the new moon as a time of worship -- but here it is cer-
               tainly understood by Ezekiel. Now in the current seven-day cycle we use today, the "new moon" as
               well as the "feasts" appear randomly on various days of our week. If our present weekly cycle had
               been in existence when the above passage was written, then the six days in which the gate was to
               be shut would be INTERRUPTED ONCE EVERY MONTH for the new moon, and at other times
               for the "feasts." So with this passage alone we can see a SABBATH PATTERN that includes the
               NEW MOON and thereby the LUNAR CALENDAR!

                       Moving now to the Book of Numbers we find, in chapter 29, further proof that God expects
               us to keep His weekly Sabbaths in the quarters of the moon. In numbers 29 there is a pattern set up
               for the sacrifices to be made during the Feast of Tabernacles. It states:

                       Verse 12: And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month [chodesh] you shall have a holy
               convocation. You shall do no customary work, and you shall keep a feast to the Lord seven days.

                       The first day of the Feast of Tabernacles is a sabbath wherein no work is to be done, and
               an "holy convocation," just as in the Passover and Unleavened Bread season.

                       The text then lists certain sacrifices to be made on that day, followed with a sequence of
               days through to the next high sabbath on the eighth day of the feast week. It counts --

                       Vs. 17: on the second day...[certain sacrifices];

                       Vs. 20: on the third day...[certain sacrifices];

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