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               COMMENT:  Because  churches  cannot  accept  this  concept,  they  try  to  get
               around it by wrongly saying it means that YEHOVAH God knew what a person
               was going to do ahead of time, applying this to all races.

               The Word “WORKS”

               1. Read, again Psalm 139:15 KJV.

               COMMENT:  The  particular  word  used  is  about  YEHOVAH’s  sovereign  pur-
               poses and activity in a created world. The difference shown between Genesis
               One and Two, where “bara” (created) is about the initiation of an undertaking,
               and “asa” (formed) is about the fashioning of something. This particular word
               for “works” is about the ethical obligation and response to the thing created,
               so here it is about YEHOVAH God’s  obligation to  what he has formed. The
               meaning of the word  “marvelous” tells us  that the works  of YEHOVAH God
               are  extraordinary  and  difficult  beyond  our  understanding.  Here  we  get  a
               glimpse that there is this great difference between those “created” and the
               Adamic man who is “made” for the Potter’s purpose.

               The Word “SUBSTANCE”

               1. Go, now, to verse 16.

                This is a little-used word in the Hebrew that has been translated as “might,”
               “substance,” and “strong.”

               2. How is it used in Deuteronomy 8:17?

               COMMENT: Here it is translated as “might.”

               3. What about Job 30:21?

               COMMENT: It is translated as “substance in this verse. The translation from
               the LXX (Septuagint) is given as, “Thou hast put me to grief and cast me away
               from safety”. These are somewhat different in translation and do not seem to
               match, but we can see from them that it seemed to Job that YEHOVAH God
               had taken something precious from him. Putting it all together we can get the
               feel of what this is about. What YEHOVAH has given His people is something
               intrinsic or built in. Where did this happen? It was before the “foundation of
               the earth” and it had happened in the mother’s womb, in their DNA. This
               is far from the churches, “choose Jesus” concept.

               The Word “FASHIONED”

               1. How is the Hebrew word for “fashioned” rendered in 2 Kings 19:25?

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