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4. What does verse 14 go onto say?

               COMMENT: Moses was commanded to teach statutes and judgments that
               ye might do them in the land whither ye go over to possess it. We are told
               that keeping these is  why other nations  would think and know  that  Israel
               was a great and a wise race. Here racial separation is demonstrated! It
               is a common perception that none of the Law existed before it was given
               through  Moses  on  Mount  Horeb,  but  we  have  seen  that  YEHOVAH  God
               knew Abram would obey the Law.

               5.  The requirement to obey the spoken  words of  YEHOVAH God starts
               right back in Genesis. Notice Genesis 3:3.

                                                                    6.  Did Cain break  YEHOVAH’s
                                                                    commandments? Genesis 4:8.

                                                                    COMMENT:  Punishment  for  law

                                                                    breaking prior to Sinai  is first
                                                                    found in regard to Cain in Gene-

                                                                    sis 4:13,  and it has 236  occur-
                                                                    rences in the Old Testament,
                                                                    most of which refer to Israel. No-
                                                                    tice also I John 3:12.

                                                                    The Scripture  also  records that
                                                                    YEHOVAH judged  other races,
                                                                    and that obedience was required
                                                                    of them. When their iniquity  was
                                                                    full YEHOVAH destroyed them.

               7. What does Genesis 13:13 state regarding the actions of a non-Israelite

               COMMENT:  One  of  the  cities  YEHOVAH  God  destroyed  for  wickedness
               was Sodom. To be wicked, a Law must have existed for them to obey. The
               law of YEHOVAH God was flouted in a way that was open, deliberate, and

               8. What does Isaiah say about this attitude? Isaiah 3:9.

               9. Was this attitude also prevalent in Israel? Notice Jeremiah 23:14.

               COMMENT: This verse confirms this attitude in reference to those in Israel

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