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Lesson 41 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 15

the most easily demonstrated FACTS of medical ing problem.
history is that PROMISCUITY SPREADS Medical authorities frankly admit that
DISEASES -- often dangerous and deadly dis- V.D. Is spread through sexual contact. HOMO-
eases of which AIDS is only the latest and most SEXUALS account for more than one-fifth of
notorious. the reported cases! This is no doubt due to their
The fastest spreading contagious disease extremely promiscuous life-style and sexual
in the Western world today is VENEREAL practices. Sexually active homosexual men have
DISEASE. a much SHORTER life span than the average
* In the United States, someone contracts man, and a much HIGHER risk of contracting --
venereal disease every 10 seconds. Chlamydia and dying from -- a serious disease. As long as
infections have risen yearly since 1996. While there is promiscuity, free sex and homosexual-
the number of syphilis and gonorrhea cases have ity, there is BOUND to be venereal disease.
declined since their peak in 1996, the number of 2. Serious health risks are among the rea-
syphilis cases has actually risen steadily since sons why YEHOVAH God CONDEMNS
2001. homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.
* The estimated total number of people 3. What does YEHOVAH God say about
living in the U.S. with a viral sexually transmit- the DISGUSTING act of bestiality? Leviticus
ted disease is over 65 million. Every year, there 18:23-30.
are at least 19 million new cases of sexually COMMENT: The Bible warns that peo-
transmitted diseases.
* Each year, one in four teenagers con-
tracts a sexually transmitted disease.
* About half of all new sexually trans-
mitted diseases in 2000 occurred among youth
ages 15 to 24.
* One out of 20 people in the U.S. Will
get infected with hepatitis B (HBV) some time
during their lives.
* It is estimated that as many as one in
five Americans have genital herpes, a lifelong
infection, yet up to 90 % of those with herpes are
unaware they have it. Homosexual or “gay” men live a dangerous life-
* With more than 50 million adults in the style that is an ABOMINATIONto YEHOVAH God.
U.S. With genital herpes and up to 1.6 million
new infections each year, some estimates sug- ple practicing IMMORAL sexual activity “lack
gest that by 2025 up to 40% of all men and half understanding,” because they do NOT grasp the
of all women could be infected. serious risks they are taking -- healthwise or oth-
* Over 6 million people acquire HPV erwise.
each year, and by age 50, at least 80% of women 4. Notice Proverbs 6:32.
will have acquired genital HPV infection. COMMENT: These health-related
* Each year, there are almost 3 million moral laws -- and the consequences of breaking
new cases of chlamydia, many of which are in them -- are STILL very much in force today! The
adolescents and young adults. SOLUTION to this terrible worldwide CURSE
* Homosexuals account for nearly all the of V.D. is as simple as it is ancient: “Shun immo-
cases of AIDS in the United States. rality”!
Obviously venereal disease is a continu- 5. What does I Corinthians 6:18 say

YEHOVAH God’s Health Laws
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