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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 40

crucified for by the Romans? Matthew 27:37. -- was by the seed of MAN a direct descendant of
3. Turning to Matthew 27:11, what do David and, therefore, heir to the throne. How-
we read? ever, this was NOT through Luke’s genealogy,
4. In the same chapter, what did the because after David Luke’s version of the line-
Roman soldiers call him when they mocked age detours in a different direction -- AWAY
him? Verses 28 and 29. from the kingly succession with David’s son,
5. Let’s turn back to Matthew 21:4, 5 Nathan. Mary’s body did not carry the biological
and 9. seed of the male organ, although we do not deny
COMMENT: What is the purpose of that she was blessed among women since she
mentioning all these verses relating to the had the privilege of being the wife of a man who
Messiah as being the “King of the Jews”? DID carry the biological seed down from David
Because it is very important that we establish his that would result in her giving birth to the
ancestral line of kingship since it is NOT done Promised One of YEHOVAH God. To end this
through the genealogy of Luke. portion of the discussion, JOSEPH was the son
6. Regardless of all the UNSOUND of Jacob and the son-in-law to Heli. Mary was
explanations made by those opposed to the related to a priestly family through her family’s
TRUTH of JOSEPH being the legitimate father kinship with Elizabeth’s family.
of the Messiah, the fact remains that the Bible 8. Read, now, Luke 4:22.
teaches that the Chosen One of YEHOVAH God COMMENT: When the Messiah came
(the Messiah) would be of the seed of the line of to his home city of Nazareth he went to the
David. Acts 2:30-31. synagogue and read to the congregation from
COMMENT: Men make a liar of Isaiah 61:1 and added: “This day is this scrip-
YEHOVAH God because He did NOT say that ture fulfilled in your ears.” Yeshua had told the
the line would run through the ovum (egg) of a people that he was the Messiah, but they found it
woman, but through the SEED OF MAN, and all hard to believe -- why? Because they knew the
these previous verses tell us that the seed would Messiah -- was he not the SON of a common
Though Mary may have been connected with TION among those who knew him in childhood
David through his son Nathan, she was NOT that he was the SON OF JOSEPH. It was
connected through the succession of kings. Mary because of this knowledge that they wondered at
was a cousin to Elizabeth who was from the his words, since he was the SON OF A COM-
lineage of the priesthood, thus making Mary’s MON MAN.
father or mother a sister or brother to one of 9. What do we find in Matthew
Elizabeth’s parents. 13:54-56?
7. Now return to Luke 3:23 and the COMMENT: Again, we have a ques-
words that read, “...Joseph, which was the son of tion: Because of Joseph’s common background,
Heli.” that is, being a mere carpenter, and not a priest or
COMMENT: Joseph cannot be the son a scribe, WHERE did the Messiah gain all the
of BOTH Jacob and Heli. Therefore, since wisdom that proceeded out of his mouth? It
Luke’s genealogy is NOT a continuous line of appears these Judeans did not remember their
the king’s line Joseph, then, is the son-in-law of scriptures very well. The SPIRIT of the LORD
Heli, because Luke’s genealogy does not fill (YEHOVAH) would have to be upon one to
Joseph’s lineage as does Matthew’s. speak as he did. The scriptures had said that he,
Joseph was not only of the House of the Chosen One, would not only be humble and
David, but he was also of the DIRECT lineage of meek, but so would his home environment
David. Therefore the Messiah -- through Joseph around him be common. Joseph was a com-

The Messiah’s Pre-Existence -- Fact Or Fable?
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