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Lesson 34 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 17

the whole Ecclesia under the Messiah was given account, write for the free article Where Did the
to John, the last of the three “pillars” of head- Twelve Apostles Go?
quarters (Galatians 2:9). He too wrote General
Epistles to the Ecclesias at large -- I, II and III End of the White Horse’s Ride in Great
John -- and the Book of Revelation. Power
Such scanty information as we possess
suggests that John only returned to the region of When the gospel first reached each new
the eastern Mediterranean after many years region, there were those YEHOVAH God had
absence. We hear nothing of him between the prepared to receive it. Church growth was
40’s and the 90’s A.D. He may have been in spectacular. Soon, however, the first rush was
Gaul, where French tradition declares Mary over. Real conversions now came much more
came (see John 19:26-27). slowly, as the number of Christians in relation to
History tells us Peter’s brother Andrew the population of each region tended to reach its
had the primary charge of the northern Asia “saturation point.”
Minor area to which Peter wrote. Andrew went And now, side by side with success and
all around the eastern and northeastern coasts of growth, came increasing persecution -- it was
the Black Sea as far as the Crimea. Philip too now time for the RED HORSE to ride!.
worked in these areas, and far into Scythia.
Another apostle Philip is often confused
Additional Reading...
with the first. Sometimes he is called an evan-
gelist. We first meet this very zealous man as a
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
deacon in Acts 6:5. He labored among the
Grecian population on both sides of the Aegean
The White Horse of Revelation 6!
Sea and in Gaul.
Bartholomew (Nathaniel) worked
Did the Apostle Peter Ever Visit Rome?
among Israelites then living in Cilicia, Armenia
and beyond the Caspian. Thomas likewise went
When Did the Apostle Peter Meet His
to those who still lived in the vast areas of the
Iranian plateau. The northeastern part of this Death?
region was often called India in ancient times.
Matthew (Levi) reached many in Scythia, on the Where Did the Twelve Apostles Go?
west coast of the Caspian Sea, and in “Ethiopia”
(an area of dark-skinned people in India). New Testament Gentiles and the House
Thaddeus Lebbeus ministered in upper Meso- of Israel
potamia, including Assyria proper.
Farther west, Matthias’ sphere was Joseph of Arimathea and King David’s
Macedonia, Dacia -- modern Romania -- and Throne in Britain!
areas in central Europe. Still farther, James of
Alphaeus is said to have gone to Spain, Britain Answers to Questions in Lesson 33:
and Ireland, while Simon the Zealot was in
North Africa, in Britain and other islands. 1. ritual 2. alone 3. Yes. 4. No 5.
Did you notice how many reached boldly 6. clean heart 7. His power -- His
Britain? holy spirit. 8. No 9. Yes. 10. spiritually
If you would like to know more about the close 11. cried out 12. righteous. 13.
later life and work of the apostles who so No 14. hearts. 15. die eternal death
strangely disappear from the New Testament

The White Horse of Revelation 6:2
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