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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 24

6. Are those who have died able to praise The image of YEHOVAH God refers to His
YEHOVAH God? Psalm 115:17. Does this MIND AND CHARACTER! No animal was
sound like what most of you have been taught in ever given the gift of mind power! It is this very
the churches? Do the churches really believe and special attribute of mind and character that
teach the Bible? separates men from animals!
7. Is there any remembrance of YEHO- Man IS NOT A MERE ANIMAL!
VAH God in death? Psalm 6:5. Animals have only the brain --
COMMENT: DEATH is the OPPO- fantastically intricate brain with a degree of
SITE OF LIFE. Death is the CESSATION OF memory and instinct -- which YEHOVAH
LIFE. created for each kind of animal. BUT
1. Since both men and animals maintain Notice the great difference.
their mortal existence by the very same breath -- Animals have brains as well as humans.
and since both men and animals die the same Yet animals DO NOT HAVE TRUE REASON-
man created in the image of YEHOVAH God? Animals follow habit patterns in their
Genesis 1:26-27. Is man to rule over all other feeding, nesting, migration, and reproduction --
creatures? Verse 26. by INSTINCT. This instinct which YEHOVAH
2. Were animals created in YEHO- God created in their brains is set like a clock to
VAH’s image or weren’t they created each after cause them to react INVOLUNTARILY.
its own kind? Genesis 1:21, 24, 25. For example, thousands of birds flock
3. What is it that makes man different from the south as winter approaches in the northern
animals -- the lower creatures of the earth that hemisphere each year without KNOWING
YEHOVAH created? Was man to be made in the WHY, without planning ahead an itinerary of
image and likeness of YEHOVAH God? Did stops. Yet at a given signal -- like the alarm of a
YEHOVAH, then, create a mortal being -- a man clock -- they leave their summer feeding grounds
-- after His own kind -- the God kind? Genesis in the North and travel thousands of miles south.
1:26-27. Scientists don’t fully understand WHY -- they
COMMENT: The Hebrew words of can merely observe the operation of this animal
Genesis 1:26-27 reveal YEHOVAH’s great plan instinct which YEHOVAH created. Each
and ultimate purpose for mankind! When species of bird -- each kind YEHOVAH created
YEHOVAH molded Adam of the dust, Adam -- has different instinctive patterns, builds
was shaped in the “likeness” -- the outward form different nests, feeds on different foods, and
and shape -- of YEHOVAH God Himself! migrates in different ways at different times to
YEHOVAH didn’t form any of the other different places. None of these actions are
creatures He had created to be a clay replica of planned by animals however; they are merely the
Himself. This unique form and shape was reaction YEHOVAH God Almighty built into
SPECIALLY GIVEN TO MAN ALONE! the instinct of each creature at creation.
Notice what else YEHOVAH gave man But MAN is DIFFERENT!
at creation! In the correct rendition of these Man is able to see -- to perceive and
verses, “God said, Let Me make man in MY understand -- various ways to do any one thing.
IMAGE...“ The Hebrew words here indicate Man can reason from memorized facts and
more than merely the outward form and shape of knowledge, draw conclusions, make decisions,
YEHOVAH God -- His likeness -- FAR MORE! will to act according to a thought-out plan.

DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting?
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