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22 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 20

4. Now read Isaiah 40:3-5. Turn, now, to Revelation 14, 19 and 20.
5. Then, in Isaiah 40:9-11, what do we 1. Do these prophecies give a time order
read? -- first showing the Messiah standing on Mount
6. Notice what Isaiah says 52:7-8, 10. Zion with the 144,000 after his return? Then, in
7. Let’s now go to the prophet Ezekiel. Revelation 14:14-16, the Messiah starts the
Ezekiel 36:25-26. process of “reaping the harvest,” to be followed
COMMENT: This is an obvious byYEHOVAH God Himself arriving on a white
fulfillment of the Water-Drawing Ceremony. horse and establishing His Kingdom.
This is what the lighting of the four Revelation 19:11-16. Then, are the martyred
immense candelabrum on the first Holy Day of saints -- the dead in the Messiah -- to receive
the Feast of Tabernacles points to! The fact that their glorious spiritual bodies, and rule with
the Shekinah Glory of YEHOVAH God YEHOVAH God and the Messiah for 1000
descended and filled Solomon's Temple at it's years? Revelation 20:4-6.
dedication on this day; and the fact that the pillar 2. What happens to the rest of the dead
of cloud by day and of fire by night first appeared people of the earth, those who died WITHOUT
to the Israelites under Moses on the 15th of the knowledge of salvation? Revelation 20:5.
Tishri -- clearly point to the return of COMMENT: These are not “the dead IN THE
YEHOVAH's Shekinah Glory on this SAME MESSIAH,” but simply -- the DEAD -- those
DAY in the near future!! This is why the millions who are NOT the Messiah’s -- who
candelabrum were lit at this time during the have never been begotten and converted, who
Water-Drawing Ceremony. When the Shekinah may never have heard the gospel message or the
Glory returns there will be a future outpouring of name of Yeshua the Messiah.
the holy spirit as predicted by this very rite. Note also: The first part of verse 5 in the
King James Version of the Bible is a
Meaning of the Last Day of Tabernacles parenthetical expression. Put parentheses in so
that you can easily understand this verse. Here's
The seventh day of the Feast of how, "(But the rest of the dead lived not again
Tabernacles is not an annual Sabbath day -- yet it until the thousand years were finished.) This is
has tremendous meaning and significance of its the first resurrection."
own. In ancient times it was known as the “great The sentence, "This is the first
day of the feast.” Being the seventh and last day resurrection," refers to the resurrection of the
of the Feast -- and the culmination of the Feast -- righteous dead in the Messiah just before the
it represented, in a unique way, the FINAL DAY 1000 years. "But," John makes clear, "the rest of
OF HARVEST! Therefore, it also pictured the the dead" -- those who never had a chance to
FINAL DAY OF JUDGMENT! It pictured the understand YEHOVAH's truth -- wouldn't come
celebration of the gathering in of the final great up in resurrection "UNTIL THE THOUSAND
harvest of souls in YEHOVAH’s plan. YEARS WERE FINISHED"! This resurrection
This seventh day of the Feast is called -- after the 1000 years are finished -- is the
“Hoshanah Rabbah,” meaning “the many SECOND resurrection in time order.
hoshanahs.” This is a contraction of hoshiah na 3. Just after the 1000 years are over, does
-- or “The Great Salvation.” During the Middle Satan, loosed from the prison of restraint where
Ages, customs associated with Yom Kippur -- he has been kept during the Millennium, go out
such as dressing the Torah in white vestments, to do just as he has always done? Will he try to
and the cantor’s wearing of a kittel -- were deceive the carnal people who, at the end of the
adopted for Hoshanah Rabbah, looked upon as 1000 years, were not born again into the
“the final day of judgment.” Kingdom? Revelation 20:7-9. What is their

Feast of Tabernacles -- THE WORLD TOMORROW
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