Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):

The Trojan Origins of European Royalty!

According to the British historian Nennius a group of people, under the leadership of BRUTUS, invaded England some 1100 years before the Messiah and set up a dynasty of British kings. WHO was this Brutus; and WHERE did he come from? The legends and histories of the ancient world trace Brutus and his throng back to Italy and, through his ancestors, BACK TO THE TROY OF HOMER! Read the fascinating story of an Israelite refugee from Egypt who founded the famous city of TROY on the Dardanelles and started several lines of Judahite kings that are still extant in Europe today!

by John D. Keyser

When the wind blows through the stone walls and battlements on top of the mound of Hissarlik, the sounds of clashing armies echo through the ancient ruins. With a little imagination the heroes of Troy can be seen walking the streets and defending the walls against the encircling Greek armies on the plain of the Troad below.

This site of ancient Troy, four miles from the Aegean Sea and four miles from the Dardanelles of western Turkey, is full of ghostly figures and mythological scenes of the ancient world to those who love the epic poems of Homer. For the readers of the classics amongst us, this is heady stuff!

After the memories of battles fought and the tragic lives of the Homeric heroes faded from human consciousness, the story of Troy and the Trojans was deemed to be fable by following generations. While retaining a core of truth, the ancient histories became confusing stories of almost nonsensical proportions, elevating the heroes of the past to super-human and godlike statue. These stories, spun by the bards and storytellers, became part of the bulk of Greek legend and lore.

The Legends of Troy

The legends claim that the oldest town in the land of Troy (the Troad) was founded by Teucer, who was a son of the Scamander (a stream of Crete, according to John Tzetzes, the 12th century Byzantine poet and grammarian) and the nymph Idaea. During the reign of Teucer, DARDANUS -- son of Zeus and the nymph Electra -- drifted from the island of Samothrace in the Aegean to the Troad, following a great deluge in the Mediterranean area. After he arrived in the Troad, Dardanus received a grant of land from Teucer and married his daughter Batea, shortly thereafter founding the city of DARDANIA at the foot of MOUNT IDA. On the death of Teucer, Dardanus succeeded him as king, and called the whole land DARDANIA.

He sired Erichthonius, who begat TROS by Astyoche, daughter of Simois. Tros named the country TROY (after himself) and the people TROES (TROJANS). By Callirrhoe, daughter of Scamander, Tros had three sons -- Ilus, Assaracus and Ganymede. From two of Tros' sons -- Ilus and Assaracus -- sprang TWO SEPARATE LINES; Ilus, Laomedon, Priam, Hector; and Assaracus, Capys, Anchises, Aeneas.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Ilus went to Phrygia, where he received, as a wrestling prize from the king of Phrygia, a spotted cow, with an injunction to found a city where she lay down. The cow lay down on the hill of the Phrygian Ate; here Ilus founded Ilion; and Dardania, Troy and Ilion became one city. Desiring a sign from Zeus, Ilus prayed and found lying before his tent the Palladium, a wooden statue of Pallas, for which he built a temple. By Eurydice, daughter of Adrastus, he had a son, Laomedon, who married Strymo, a daughter of Scamander (or Placia, daughter of ATREUS or of Leucippus). In his reign, Poseidon and Apollo (or Poseidon alone), built the walls of Troy, but Laomedon withheld their reward. In his reign also, HERACLES besieged and took the city, slaying Laomedon and his children, except one daughter, Hesione, and one son, Podarces" (1943 edition. Vol. 22, p. 503).

According to the legends, the life of this Podarces was spared at the request of Hesione -- on condition that Podarces first be a slave and then be redeemed by Hesione. Hesione gave her veil for him; hence his name of PRIAM (Greek for "to buy"). After gaining his freedom, Priam first married Arisbe and then Hecuba, fathering 50 sons and 12 daughters! Among these sons were HECTOR and PARIS, and among the daughters Polyxena and Cassandra.

Paris became betrothed to Oenone, and awarded the golden "apple of strife" to Aphrodite (who promised him the love of the fairest of women) and brought upon Troy the resentment of Hera and Athena.

Following this Paris, visiting Sparta, found favor with HELEN, heiress of Tyndareus and wife of MENELAUS, SON OF ATREUS, and carried her to Troy. To recover Helen, the ACHAEANS under AGAMEMNON, brother of Menelaus, besieged Troy for ten years. In the tenth year of the siege Hector was killed by Achilles, and he by Paris.

Finally a wooden horse was built, inside of which many Achaeans hid themselves. The Greek army and fleet then withdrew to Tenedos -- pretending to have ended the siege. The Trojans, seeing the Greek army was gone, opened the gates and conveyed the wooden horse into Troy. That night the hidden Greeks stole out of the horse, opened the gates of the city to the returning Greeks, and Troy was finally taken.

Homer's IIiad

The Greek author Homer took the legends of his ancestors, and any other sources available to him, and wrote the Iliad -- an epic poem in twenty-four books dealing with the last year of the siege of Troy. The central theme of this epic is the wrath of the Greek hero Achilles, Prince of the Myrmidons, and the tragic consequences of his anger.

The Homeric narrative begins with a quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek forces:

"Agamemnon has received as a prize the girl Chryseis, daughter of a priest of the god Apollo. When Agamemnon refuses to accept a ransom for the girl from her father, Apollo sends a plague to devastate the Greek forces. A soothsayer informs Agamemnon that Chryseis must be returned to her father if the pestilence is to be halted. Agamemnon finally agrees to surrender the girl, but demands from Achilles his prize of war, the girl Briseis. Enraged at this insult, Achilles withdraws his troops from combat, and retires to his ships" (Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, MCMLXXV. Vol. 13, p. 158-159).

Continuing, the encyclopedia states:

"Without Achilles the Greeks begin to lose to the Trojans. They are driven back to their ships under the assault of the Trojan prince Hector. Although Agamemnon pleads with Achilles to forget his anger and aid the Greeks, Achilles rebuffs all overtures of reparation. When the Trojans are setting fire to the Greek ships, Achilles allows his friend Patroclus to fight in his stead. Patroclus is killed by Hector, and Achilles decides to rejoin the battle to avenge the death of his friend. Nothing can stop the hero; he slays Hector and drags his body around the walls of Troy behind his chariot. After several days Hector's father Priam, with the aid of the god Hermes, makes his way to Achilles' ships and convinces Achilles to return the body of Hector to him for decent burial. Achilles feels compassion for the aged king and returns the body of Hector, which is then taken to Troy. The Iliad ends with the burial rites in honor of the Trojan hero" (Ibid., p. 159).

Most authorities say the Iliad was written in the 9th or 8th century B.C., with a minority believing Homer composed his work at a later date. The Iliad is regarded by literary historians as the first great poetic work in Greek literature; and it has been esteemed for generations as one of the masterpieces of world literature. "Especially noteworthy in the Iliad are the brilliant imagery, the depiction of heroic action, and the vivid characterization and resulting insight into human behavior." (Ibid., p. 159).

The Rediscovery of Troy

The city of Troy stood as a bastion overlooking the Hellespont for centuries, finally falling into ruin and leaving the bleak hill of Hissarlik rising above the wind-swept Troad. By the first century A.D. the memory of the correct location of Troy was lost to the ages, and an academic dispute arose in A.D. 160 with Demetrius of Scepsis claiming the mound of Hissarlik to be the site. Most disagreed.

It wasn't until 1870 that the legendary city of the Homeric poems was brought to light by the archaeologists' spade. The German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann began excavations which uncovered the actual stone walls and battlements of the ancient city. Schliemann's work was continued after his death by his assistant, Wilhelm Dorpfeld, whose work in 1893 and 1894 threw new and important light upon Schliemann's discoveries. Since 1932, new excavations have been carried on at the site by the University of Cincinnati, under the direction of the American Carl William Blegen.

Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia notes:

"On the mound of Hissarlik the following successive settlements have been determined: TROY I, an early settlement with a wall built of small stones and clay, its date being perhaps around 3,000 B.C.; TROY II, a prehistoric fortress, with strong ramparts, a palace, and houses, dating from the third millennium B.C.; TROY III, IV, and V, prehistoric villages successively built on the debris of TROY II during the period from 2,300 to 2,000 B.C. TROY VI, a fortress, including a larger area than any of the preceding settlements, with HUGE walls, towers, gates, and houses dating from 1,900-1,300 B.C., or later; TROY VIIA, a reconstruction of TROY VI, built in the latter part of this period after the city had been destroyed by an earthquake; TROY VIIB and VIII, Greek villages, of simple stone houses, dating from about 1,100 B.C. to the 1st century B.C.; TROY IX, the acropolis of the Graeco-Roman city of Ilion, or New Ilion, with a temple of Athena, public buildings, and a large theater, and existing from the 1st century B.C. to about 500 A.D." (Vol. 23, p. 305. Rand McNally and Company. MCMLXXV).

Of the various settlements noted above, Schliemann discovered only the first five, and identified TROY II with the Homeric Troy. Dorpfeld's discoveries, however, seemed to indicate that the Homeric Troy must be identified with TROY VIIA, which was evidently destroyed by fire (according to the archaeologists) some time around the traditional date of the Trojan War. Some later authorities claim TROY VI -- with its massive battlements -- was the Troy of Homer, which carries some credence when all the facts are examined with an open mind.

However, the thrust of this article is not to determine which layer of the mound of Hissarlik is the Troy of the Iliad, but to determine WHO the Trojans were, WHERE THEY CAME FROM and WHERE THEY EVENTUALLY MIGRATED TO! In this we are in for some surprises!

Heraldry Points the Way!

If you study the Iliad closely, you will discover that the shields of the protagonists at the siege of Troy were painted with HERALDIC SYMBOLS that represented the clans present at the conflict. The leaders of the Greek armies carried shields decorated with both EAGLES and LIONS, while the Trojan defenders also had LIONS on their shields. The Iliad also describes a huge EAGLE as appearing over the contending armies at the siege of Troy. What do these symbols mean?

Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews, records that the Lacedaemonian king Areios sent an embassy to the Judahite High Priest acknowledging that the JUDAHITES and the LACEDAEMONIANS were RACIALLY AKIN, both having descended from Abraham. A later High Priest, sending envoys to visit the SPARTANS recalled the incident.

It is of the greatest interest to read that the SEAL on the letter from Sparta showed an EAGLE holding fast a SERPENT. BOTH these emblems are ISRAELITISH -- OF THE TRIBE OF DAN! The Spartans had preserved it for their official transactions. This episode is confirmed in the apocryphal Book of I Macabees.

This indicates that the Greeks of this time were of HEBREW ORIGIN!

What about the LION of the Trojans? Genesis 49:9-11 provides the answer! "JUDAH is a LION'S whelp: from the prey, my son, thou are gone up: he stooped down, he COUCHED AS A LION, and as an old LION; who shall arouse him?" The LION, therefore, is the emblem of the tribe of Judah, and is usually shown in a couchant (dormant) position.

Could the Trojans be of the tribe of Judah -- Judahites in fact? And were the Greeks and Trojans related to each other -- of the SAME racial stock?

Who Was Dardanus?

We have seen mentioned in the Greek legends that DARDANUS -- son of Zeus and the nymph Electra -- drifted from the island of Samothrace in the Aegean Sea to the Troad, and founded the city of Dardania at the foot of MOUNT IDA. Who was this Dardanus, and where did he come from?

In I Chronicles 2 we read of the line of Judah: "The sons of Judah were Er, Onan, and Shelah. These three were born to him by the daughter of Shua, the Canaanitess...And Tamar, his [Judah's] daughter-in-law, bore him Perez and ZERAH. All the sons of Judah were five...The sons of ZERAH were Zimri, Ethan Heman, Calcol, and DARA -- five of them in all." (Verses 3-6).

The margin of my Bible also spells DARA as "DARDA." An examination of some of the historical clues reveals that there lived in Egypt -- during the time of the bondage of the Israelites -- a man named DARDA. According to E. Raymond Capt, "Darda, 'the Egyptian,' (son of Zarah) was 'DARDANUS,' the EGYPTIAN FOUNDER OF TROY" (Jacob's Pillar. Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA. 1977, p. 25).

Hecataeus of Abdera, a fourth-century B.C. Greek historian, states that "Now the Egyptians say that also after these events [the plagues of Exodus] a great number of colonies were SPREAD FROM EGYPT all over the inhabited world...They say also that those who set forth with DANAUS, likewise from Egypt, settled what is practically the oldest city of Greece, Argos, and that the nations of the COLCHI IN PONTUS and that of the Jews [remnant of Judah], which lies BETWEEN ARABIA AND SYRIA, were founded as colonies by certain emigrants from their country [Egypt]; and this is the reason why it is a long-established institution among these peoples to CIRCUMCISE their male children, the custom having been brought over FROM EGYPT. Even the ATHENIANS, they say, are colonists from SAIS IN EGYPT" (Quoted from Diodorus of Sicily. G. H. Oldfather, 1933. Vol. I, bks. I-II, 1-34, p. 91).

While migrations of "circumcised" aliens from Egypt to Greece and Pontus are noted by Hecataeus of Abdera, there is no mention of DARDANUS or DARDA. This is because Dardanus left Egypt BEFORE the Exodus: "Dardanus is said to have BUILT TROY about THIRTY-FOUR YEARS BEFORE THE EXODUS." (British History Traced from Egypt and Palestine, by L.G.A. Roberts, p. 27).

The Migration of Dardanus

The early migration of Darda is noted in the book How Israel Came to Britain:

"Actually, groups of Israelites began to migrate away from the main body BEFORE THE ISRAEL NATION WAS FORMED -- while, as a people, they were STILL IN BONDAGE IN EGYPT. One of these groups under the leadership of Calcol, a prince of the tribe of Judah, went westward across the Mediterranean eventually settling in Ulster [Ireland]. ANOTHER, under the leadership of DARDANUS, a brother of Calcol, CROSSED TO ASIA MINOR to found the Kingdom later known as TROY" (Canadian British Israel Assn. Windsor, Ontario, p. 2).

Author Roberts also reveals that "Mr. W. E. Gladstone says that the Siege of Troy was undertaken by DANAI [the Greeks] against DARDANAI [the Trojans], and THESE WERE ORIGINALLY ONE..."

In Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage, by W. H. Bennett, we learn more about the migration of DARDANUS from Egypt to the Troad:

"With these things in mind, let us now turn to that other part of ZARA'S DESCENDANTS which FLED OUT OF EGYPT under the leadership...[of] DARDA. In the authorized Version of the Bible this name is spelled DARA, but in the margin the ALTERNATE spelling is DARDA and the Jewish historian Josephus calls him DARDANUS. This is significant because the group which he led went NORTHWARD across the Mediterranean Sea to the northwest corner of what we now call ASIA MINOR. There, under the rule of DARDA (DARDANUS) they established a Kingdom, later called TROY, on the southern shore of that narrow body of water which bears his name to this day -- DARDANELLES" (Canadian British Israel Assn., Windsor, Ontario. 1985, p. 119).

Details of DARDA'S voyage to the Troad (as found in the Greek legends) are revealed in the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"DARDANUS, in Greek legend, son of Zeus and the Pleiad Electra, mythical FOUNDER OF DARDANUS on the Hellespont and ANCESTOR OF THE DARDANS of the Troad and, through AENEAS, of THE ROMANS. His original home was supposed to have been Arcadia. Having slain his brother Iasius or Iasion (according to some legends, Iasius was struck by lightning), DARDANUS FLED ACROSS THE SEA. He first stopped at SAMOTHRACE, and, when the island was VISITED BY A FLOOD, CROSSED OVER TO THE TROAD. Being hospitably received by Teucer, he married his daughter Batea and became THE FOUNDER OF THE ROYAL HOUSE OF TROY" (1943 edition. Vol. 7, p. 56).

Actually, the FIRST stopover for Dardanus, on his way to the Troad, was CRETE! Notice what Herman L. Hoeh says in his discussion of the Early Bronze Age: "'Early Bronze I' -- ends in 1477 [B.C.] with VIOLENT DESTRUCTION everywhere in WESTERN ANATOLIA and AT TROY; 1477 marks the conquest of the Troad by DARDANUS AND THE TEUCRIANS FROM CRETE..." (Compendium of World History, Vol. I. Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA 1962, p. 470).

The flood or deluge mentioned by the Encyclopedia Britannica and others is prominent in the Greek legends of Dardanus. At the time of the Exodus tremendous events of a cataclysmic nature occurred in the Mediterranean area. Caius Julius Solinus, in his work Polyhistor, notes that "following the DELUGE which is reported to have occurred in the days of Ogyges, a heavy night spread over the globe" (Quoted in Beyond Star Wars, by William F. Dankenbring, p. 13). Heavy DELUGES of rain are reported in the works of early Arab historians -- all the result of massive upheavals in earth and sky. The great volcanic explosion of the island of Thera in the Aegean Sea occurred around this time and would have caused huge tidal waves or tsunamis throughout the Mediterranean.

It seems apparent, therefore, that Dardanus left Egypt before the Exodus, spending some time in CRETE before voyaging on to Samothrace. After leaving the island of Samothrace his ship was probably disabled by the deluge or flood that occurred at the time of the Exodus, and drifted helplessly across the sea to the Troad.

The Cretan Connection!

There are numerous links between Troy and Crete. Dardanus built a city at the foot of MOUNT IDA in the Troad; there is also a MOUNT IDA near the Cretan city of MYCENAE! The Link, published by the Christian Israel Foundation, notes that "perhaps the most striking evidence of an ISRAELITISH MIGRATORY SETTLEMENT IN CRETAN MYCENAE is to be found in Sir Arthur Evans' monumental work, 'Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult,' in which it is established that HEBREW RITUALS were observed there...This culture MOVED TO ASIA MINOR, where, behind TROY, we again find a MOUNT IDA (JUDAH), and where, as in MILETUS, survived the belief in the CRETAN ROYAL DESCENT" (June, 1989, p. 261).

Crete had early contacts with Greece and Asia Minor, where many archaeological finds testify to the fact. The civilization of Cretan Mycenae bore a STRIKING RESEMBLANCE to that of the Hebrews and, according to the Roman historian TACITUS, the "Jews" were "natives of the ISLE OF CRETE," who derived their name from that of Mt. Ida (JUDAH), well known in ancient history and mythology. This account in the works of Tacitus might well be considered fantastic were it not for the fact that a MOST INTIMATE cultural link existed BETWEEN THE MYCENAEANS AND THE ISRAELITES!

"Later Greek myths indicate that they [the TROJANS] CAME FROM THE SAME SOURCE as THE MYCENAEANS, but moved farther north to cross into Asia Minor at the Bosporus, the strait between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea in Russia.

"They then migrated into what is now TURKEY. Finally a branch under ILUS founded TROY under the name 'Ilium'" (The Mysteries of Homer's Greeks, by I. G. Edmonds. Elsevier/Nelson Books, N.Y. 1981, pp. 71-72).

Tacitus, Josephus, and others point to the establishment of a JUDAHITE ROYAL LINE IN CRETAN MYCENAE -- established by EXILES FROM EGYPT who practiced CIRCUMCISION and were considered "ALIENS" by the Egyptians!!

Dardanus was clearly the Darda of the Bible -- the son of Zarah and grandson of Judah -- and a prince of Judah in his own right!

The Royal Line of Darda

After building the city of Dardanus in the Troad, DARDA established his ROYAL LINE in the land, which continued as follows:



3/. TROS

4/. ILUS



Priam's reign ended in 1181 -- the year the Trojans were crushed in the First Trojan war by their brethren the Greeks. AENEAS, of the royal line, escaped the destruction of Troy and made his way to ITALY. The story of his migration is found in the Aeneid, written by the Roman historian Virgil. Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia outlines the story:

"The AENEID is a mythical [according to the "experts"] work in twelve books, describing the wanderings of the hero AENEAS and a small band of TROJANS after the fall of Troy. Aeneas escaped from Troy with the images of his ancestral gods, carrying his aged father on his shoulders, and leading his young son ASCANIUS by the hand, but in the confusion of his hasty flight he lost his wife, Creusa. He collected a FLEET OF TWENTY VESSELS, and sailed with the surviving Trojans to THRACE, where they began building a city. Aeneas subsequently abandoned his plan of a settlement there and went to CRETE, but was driven from that island by a pestilence. After visiting EPIRUS and SICILY (where his father died), Aeneas was shipwrecked on THE COAST OF AFRICA and welcomed by DIDO, Queen of CARTHAGE. After a time he again set sail; Dido, who had fallen in love with him, was heartbroken by his departure and committed suicide. After visiting SICILY again and stopping at CUMAE, ON THE BAY OF NAPLES, he landed at the MOUTH OF THE TIBER RIVER, SEVEN YEARS after the fall of Troy. Aeneas was welcomed by LATINUS, KING OF LATIUM. Lavinia, the daughter of Latinus, was destined to marry a stranger, but her mother Amata had promised to give her in marriage to TURNUS, King of the Rutulians. A war ensued, which terminated with the defeat and death of Turnus, thus making possible the marriage of Aeneas and Lavinia. Aeneas died three years later, and his son ASCANIUS FOUNDED ALBA LONGA, the mother city of Rome" (Vol. I. MCMLXXV, p. 196).

The Compendium of World History records that "the refugees of the First Trojan War settled...in Italy. They founded Lavinium two years after the First Trojan War -- that is, in 1179 -- and later the city of Alba (the site of the Pope's summer palace today) at the time of the Second Trojan War in 1149. The TROJAN ROYAL HOUSE founded in Italy a line of kings that reigned in Alba from 1178 until 753, when the center of government passed to Rome."

The Line of Latinus

Latinus, king of Latium, was himself descended from JUDAH! Notice:

"The famous woman ELECTRA or ROMA was daughter of Atlas Kittim. Josephus reveals ATLAS to have been Epher, ABRAHAM'S GRANDSON. His daughter, the concubine of JUPITER or JUDAH (see Icelandic history...), could be no other than the Biblical TAMAR. From Electra, who later married Cambon, came a LINE OF RULERS who were later accounted gods or divine heroes. The list carries us down to the coming of AENEAS OF TROY.... All these royal lines were related to the family of...JUDAH" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, pp. 137-138).












The 35th year of Latinus' reign was 1181-1180 -- the year of AENEAS OF TROY'S arrival in Italy. (See Dionysius of Halicarnassus, I, 44). In his 38th year Latinus died and Aeneas succeeded him, thus ensuring the line from Judah would continue.

Latinus, the king of Latium who preceded the Trojans, died in 1178 -- three years after the fall of Troy in 1181. Aeneas the Trojan, son-in-law of Latinus, succeeded him and reigned for three years (1178-1175). He, in turn, was succeeded by his son ASCANIUS -- who reigned for 38 years (1175-1137).

Brutus Driven From Italy

The Annals of the Romans relate that after Aeneas founded Alba, he married a woman who bore him a son named SILVIUS. Silvius, in turn, married; and when his new wife became pregnant, Aeneas sent word to him that he was sending a wizard to examine the wife and try and determine whether the baby was male or female. After examining Silvius' wife, the wizard returned to his home, but was killed by ASCANIUS because of his prophecy foretelling that the woman had a male in her womb who would be the child of death -- for, as the story goes, the male-child would eventually kill his father and mother and be a scourge to all mankind.

During the birth of the child, Silvius' wife died, and the boy was reared by the father and named BRITTO (BRUTUS). Many years later, fulfilling the wizard's prophecy, the young man BRITTO killed his father by accident while practicing archery with some friends.

Because of this terrible accident, BRUTUS was DRIVEN FROM ITALY and came TO THE ISLANDS OF THE TYRRHENE SEA. According to Herman L. Hoeh:

"A son, BRUTUS, expelled from Italy returned to the Aegean area and organized the ENSLAVED TROJANS, LYDIANS AND MAEONIANS. The Greeks were defeated and TROY WAS RECAPTURED. With the recapture of Troy in 1149 the list of Sea Powers of the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean began. According to the terms of the treaty with the Greeks BRUTUS MIGRATED, with all who wished to follow him, VIA THE MEDITERRANEAN INTO BRITAIN" (Compendium of World History. Vol. I, p. 454).

The tradition of Brutus' migration to Britain was never questioned until the last century, when German scholars and rationalists decided that the story related in Homer's Iliad of the siege and destruction of Troy by the Greeks, and the subsequent dispersion of the Trojan princes, was nothing but a "Poet's dream" and a "mythological myth." The coming of Brutus to Britain was therefore pronounced to be "fabulous" -- a legend that had no foundation in fact.

The following quotation from Drych y Prifoesedd ("The Mirror of the Principal Ages"), by Theophilus Efans of Llangammarch, Wales, sheds light on the origin of the discredit thrown upon the historical value of Geoffrey of Monmouth's writings about Brutus. There might be reason for uncertainty if the statements of Geoffrey of Monmouth stood alone, but when we find them constantly corroborated in the old manuscripts as well as by Welsh writers of repute, there is absolutely no reason to dismiss them as "Monkish fables"!

Notice --

"The first reason for denying the coming of BRUTUS into this island of Britain was this. When Jeffrey ap Arthur, Lord Bishop of Llandaff (Geoffrey of Monmouth), died, an Englishman of the name of Gwilym Bach (little William or William the Less) arrived...who desired Dafydd ab Owen, Prince of Gwynedd, to make him bishop in Jeffrey's place about the year 1169 A.D. But when it was not to the mind of Dafydd ab Owen to grant him his request the man went home full of hatred and commenced to exercise his mind how best to despise and malign not only the memory of the bishop, who was lying in his grave, but also the whole of the Welsh nation. THIS GWILYM BACH, OUT OF MALICE BECAUSE HE WAS REFUSED THE BISHOPRIC OF LLANDAFF, WAS THE FIRST TO DENY THE COMING OF BRUTUS HERE.

"Gwilym Bach says without shame, that no one had ever mentioned the coming of Brutus and his men from Caerdroia to this island until Jeffrey ap Arthur fabricated the tale out of his own imagination, but this is a statement or charge TOO NAKED AND FLIMSY WITHOUT ANY FOUNDATION AND AGAINST ALL AUTHORITY. Because Jeffrey ap Arthur did nothing but translate the Welsh Chronicles into Latin, so that the educated of the country might read them. And long, long before the time of Jeffrey one of the poems (penhillion) of Taliesin makes clear the CONSENSUS OF OPINION of his fellow-countrymen in regard to the matter, and he wrote about the year 566 A.D." (Quoted in Prehistoric London, by E. O. Gordon. Artisan Sales, Thousand Oaks, CA 1985, p. 9).

After leaving the Aegean area Brutus "MIGRATED TO MALTA, and there was advised to reestablish his people in 'the Great White Island' (an early name for BRITAIN due to its chalk cliffs). This advice is recorded in an archaic Greek form on the Temple of Diana in CAER TROIA (New Troy)." (Jacob's Pillar, p. 26).

Where BRUTUS and his people traveled to next is preserved by the British historian Nennius, who states that "Aeneas...arrived in GAUL [modern FRANCE], WHERE HE FOUNDED THE CITY OF TOURS, which is called Turnis..." (Nennius: British History and the Welsh Annals, translated by John Morris. Phillimore, London and Chichester. 1980, p. 19).

Trojans Invade Britain

Nennius then says that "later he CAME TO THIS ISLAND, which is named BRITANNIA from his name, and filled it with his race, and dwelt there" (ibid., p. 19).

The arrival of the Trojans in Britain is traced by E. Raymond Capt:

"The descendants of DARDA (DARDANNES or DANAANS) ruled ancient TROY for several hundred years, until the city was destroyed in the famous 'Siege of Troy.' AENEAS, the last of the ROYAL BLOOD, (Zarah-Judah) collected the remnants of his nation and traveled with them to ITALY. There he married the daughter of LATINUS, king of the Latins, and subsequently FOUNDED THE GREAT ROMAN EMPIRE. Aeneas' GRANDSON, BRUTUS with a large part of the TROJANS migrated to 'the GREAT WHITE ISLAND' (an early name for BRITAIN due to its chalk cliffs). Tradition says that on the way to the 'White Island' Brutus came across FOUR OTHER TROJAN COLONIES UPON THE COAST OF SPAIN and persuaded them to join him.

At TOTNES on the RIVER DART [in England], twelve miles inland from TORBAY (the oldest seaport in South Devon) is an historical STONE that commemorates the coming of BRUTUS to Britain. (Cir., 1103 B.C.) The stone is known as the 'BRUTUS STONE,' the tradition being that the TROJAN PRINCE set foot upon it when he first landed. The WELSH RECORDS state that THREE TRIBES OF HIS COUNTRYMEN received Brutus and his company as BRETHREN and proclaimed Brutus KING at a national convention of the whole island. His THREE SONS, born after his arrival in Britain were named after the three tribes -- LOCRINUS, CAMBER, and ALBAN. Brutus' name HEADS THE ROLE in all the genealogies of the British kings, preserved as faithfully as were those of the kings of Israel and Judah" (Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets, p. 65-66).

E. Raymond Capt continues by saying:

"Brutus founded the city of 'CAER TROIA,' or 'NEW TROY.' The Romans later called it 'LONDINUM,' now known as LONDON. The actual date of the founding of the city is suggested in the Welsh bardic literature: 'And when BRUTUS had finished the building of the city, and had strengthened it with walls and castles, he consecrated them and made inflexible laws for the governance of such as should dwell there peacefully, and he put protection on the city and granted privilege to it. At this time, BELI THE PRIEST RULED IN JUDEA, and the Ark of the Covenant was in captivity to the Philistines'" (The Welsh Bruts).

The reference, in the quotation above, to BELI THE PRIEST, is obviously of ELI of the First Book of Samuel. Such remote prehistoric antiquity of the site of London is CONFIRMED by the numerous archaeological remains found there, not only of the Stone Age and Early Bronze Ages, but even of the Old Stone Age. This indicates that it was already a settlement at the time when BRUTUS selected it for the site of his new capital of "NEW TROY."

Within the last century or so an entirely new light has been cast upon the prehistoric history of London and its mounds, by Schliemann's discoveries at Hissarlik -- the ancient TROY in the north-west of Asia Minor. States author E. O. Gordon: "No longer need the story be regarded as fabulous, that Brutus the Trojan, the grandson of Aeneas (the hero of Virgil's great epic), gave the name of CAER TROIA, TROYNOVANT or NEW TROY, to London. In site and surroundings...there seems to have been considerable resemblance between the historic Troy on the Scamander and New Troy on the Thames. On the plains of Troy to-day may be seen numerous conical mounds rising from out of the lagoons and swamps that environed the citadel hill of Hissarlik, akin to those that dominated the marshes, round about the Caer and Porth of London, in prehistoric times" (Prehistoric London, p. 83).

The Bible Research Handbook verifies the authenticity of the legends of Brutus:

"Various details of circumstantial evidence appear to lend their support to the legend of the TROJAN SETTLEMENT OF BRITAIN. Ancient Irish accounts relate that a PARTHOLANUS, whose life was in important respects SIMILAR to that of BRUTUS, reached over our islands at a very early date. Caesar's 'Commentaries,' which tell of a people called TRINOBANTES, who lived in the vicinity of what is now MIDDLESEX AND HERTFORDSHIRE, seem clearly to bear out the story of the TROJANS having founded TROJA NOVA, later called TRINOVANTUM, and eventually LONDON" (Covenant Publishing Co., London).

The Link, a magazine of the Christian Israel Foundation, mentions other confirming historians:

"According to FIRM ancient legends, transmitted both by British and by Continental writers, a TROJAN COLONY, led by one BRUTUS, settled in the BRITISH ISLES not long after the fall of TROY in 1184 B.C., and established the line of early BRITISH KINGS from which the famous CARACTACUS and BOADICEA were in due course descended.

"BRUTUS (or BRUT) OF TROY, grandson of AENEAS, left Troy, after the defeat of his countrymen by the Greeks, and with a band of followers journeyed to Britain by way of ITALY, where he FOUNDED LONDON, calling it NEW TROY. These traditions are chronicled by GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH, WACE, LAYAMON and OTHER EARLY HISTORIANS. There is support also from the writings of MATTHEW OF PARIS.

"Although Geoffrey of Monmouth's evidence in particular is discounted in certain quarters, as pointed out by the Elizabethan antiquary Stow, THE BRUTUS STORY WAS CURRENT LONG BEFORE GEOFFREY'S TIME, so that whatever may nave been added by him in the way of imaginative detail, at least he did NOT invent the basic tradition.

"The evidence was certainly sufficient to convince the famous Lord Chief Justice Coke of the 17th century, for he wrote: 'The original laws of this land were composed of such elements as BRUTUS (THE TROJAN) FIRST SELECTED FROM THE ANCIENT TROJAN AND GREEK INSTITUTIONS.' In support of him, Lord Chancellor Fortescue, in his work on the Laws of England, states: 'THE KINGDOM OF BRITAIN HAD ITS ORIGINAL INSTITUTIONS FROM BRUTUS OF THE TROJANS'

"Bearing in mind the belief that the LACEDEMONIANS, or SPARTANS, were ISRAELITES, this account of the westward journeyings of Brutus and his supporters links yet another contingent of the early colonizers of Britain with their ISRAEL BEGINNINGS" (Nov/Dec. 1984, p. 67).

David Williamson, in his book Kings and Queens of Britain, comments on the authenticity of Geoffrey of Monmouth's writings and equates their veracity to the books of the Old Testament:

"Geoffrey of Monmouth, writing in the first half of the twelfth century, sought to tell the story of Britain from its...FOUNDATION BY BRUTUS THE TROJAN until the coming of the Saxons...Geoffrey claimed that his History of the Kings of Britain was translated from 'a certain very ancient book written in the British language' which had been given to him by Walter, Archdeacon of Oxford. It was dedicated to two of the LEADING NOBLEMEN of the day, Robert, Earl of Gloucester (d. 1147) [a]...son of King Henry I, and Waleran, Count of Mellent (d. 1166). In it he tells of the wanderings of BRUTUS, the great-grandson of AENEAS, forced to leave Italy after accidentally killing his father and eventually, after many adventures, COMING TO ALBION, which he renamed BRITAIN from his own name, after driving out the aboriginal giants. The story continues with the...deeds of BRUTUS' DESCENDANTS and successors FROM ABOUT 1100 B.C. until the coming of the Romans...Lewis Thorp's introduction to his translation of Geoffrey's History points out that it might 'be said to bear the SAME RELATIONSHIP to the story of the early British inhabitants of our own island as do the seventeen historical books in the OLD TESTAMENT, from Genesis to Esther, to the early history of the ISRAELITES in Palestine'" (Dorset Press, N.Y. 1992, p. 8).

In the manuscript section of the British Library lies an old document -- MS43968 -- that used to be kept in Windsor Castle. This particular chart gives the descent of the British Royal Family from ADAM THROUGH BRUTUS. Also, charts published by the Covenant Publishing Co., Ltd., by W. M. H. Milner entitled The Royal House of Britain and by M. H. Gayer entitled The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race both trace the ancestry of the Royal House THROUGH SEVERAL LINES OF DESCENT FROM THE PATRIARCH JUDAH -- INCLUDING BRUTUS who is shown as a descendant of Judah's son Zarah.

A Letter to Caesar

Every British schoolboy knew by heart the letter British king Caractacus sent to Claudius Caesar. But not many know about the letter, written about a century earlier, from King Cassibellaunus to Julius Caesar. This letter is quoted in full by Geoffrey of Monmouth, who possessed an ancient manuscript from BRITTANY that evidently contained the letter. Geoffrey quotes widely from this manuscript in his historical work. The letter reads as follows:

"Cassibelaun, king of the Britains, to Caius Julius Caesar. we cannot but wonder, Caesar, at the avarice of the Roman people, since their insatiable thirst after money cannot let us alone whom the dangers of the ocean have placed in a manner out of the world; but they must have the presumption to covet our substance, which we have hitherto enjoy'd in quiet. Neither is this indeed sufficient: we must also prefer subjection and slavery to them, before the enjoyment of our native liberty.

"Your demand therefore, Caesar, is scandalous, since the SAME VEIN OF NOBILITY, FLOWS FROM AENEAS, IN BRITONS AND ROMANS, and ONE AND THE SAME CHAIN OF CONSANGUINITY SHINES IN BOTH: which ought to be a band of firm union and friendship. That was what you should have demanded of us, and not slavery: we have learned to admit of the one, but never to bear the other. And so much have we been accustomed to liberty, that we are perfectly ignorant what it is to submit to slavery. And if even the gods themselves should attempt to deprive us of our liberty, we would to the utmost of our power resist them in defense of it.

"Know then, Caesar, that we are ready to fight for that and our kingdom if, as you threaten, you shall attempt to invade Britain."

The reference in this letter to AENEAS provides support for the fact that the ancient British royal line STEMMED FROM TROY, as did, traditionally, the descent of certain of the EARLY RULERS OF ROME. And, as we have already seen, the tradition that the TROJAN LEADERS WERE JUDAHITES is upheld by testimony from many quarters.

Cassibellaunus was not the only king of Britain who knew of his Trojan blood-line. Edward I, who removed the Stone of Destiny from Scone in Scotland to London, used to BOAST about his descent from the Trojans: "The Irish and Scottish kings, Fergus and EDWARD HIMSELF were all DESCENDANTS OF JUDAH: in fact it is said that EDWARD used to boast of his DESCENT FROM THE TROJANS!" (Co-Incidences? Pointers to Our Heritage, by Brigadier G. Wilson).

William F. Skene, author of a book on the Stone of Destiny, states that "the KING OF ENGLAND, by whom the kingdom of Scotland was derived from ALBANACTUS, THE YOUNGEST SON OF BRUTUS, THE EPONYMUS OF THE BRITONS, while that of ENGLAND WAS DERIVED FROM LOCRINUS, THE ELDEST SON." (The Coronation Stone, p. 21).

Even James I knew of his background, and let it be known on several occasions that he was descended from Brutus!

The Migration to Illyria

On the eastern shores of the Adriatic Sea, approximately halfway between the ruins of the Acropolis in Athens and those of the Coloseum in Rome, lie the ruins of a string of colonies the HELLENES established on Illyrian soil -- in what is now the country of Albania. These HELLENES founded colonies not only on the Adriatic Coast but also on the BLACK SEA, SICILY, NORTH AFRICA and other parts of the Mediterranean.

The ancient ruins, hardly known to the general public today are, according to the experts, CLOSELY CONNECTED to the Classical Greek civilization. These colonies were organized in the typical Greek fashion and ran as autonomous political entities -- enacting their own laws, organizing their own defense, and contracting accords with other city-states and foreign powers.

WHO founded these colonies, and WHERE did the colonizers come from?

The Roman poet, VIRGIL, tells us in his Aeneid (Book III) that this area of the Adriatic coast was founded by A GROUP OF TROJAN EXILES who fled Troy after the Greek victory. The exiles were under the leadership of HELENUS who, in Greek legend, was a son of PRIAM and Hecuba, and twin brother of Cassandra. This HELENUS was, therefore, of the royal line of DARDANUS and a JUDAHITE!

The Encyclopedia Britannica notes that "after the capture of Troy he [HELENUS] and his sister-in-law Andromache accompanied Neoptolemus (Pyrrhus) as captives to EPIRUS, where HELENUS persuaded him to settle. After the death of Neoptolemus, Helenus married Andromache and became ruler of the country. He was the reputed FOUNDER OF the cities of BUTHROTUM AND CHAONIA, named after a brother or a companion, who he had accidentally slain while hunting." (1943 edition. Vol. II, p. 393).

Buthrotum (now known as BUTRINT) was established on a headland on the shores of a fine bay only 9 miles from the island of CORFU. This location fell within the land of the Caeones, an Illyrian tribe already settled there when Helenus arrived. The name BUTHROTUM means "place abounding with cattle and grazing land" and was a perfect place for the new city.

Norman Hammond, in an article "Dashing Through Albania" (Archaeology magazine, Jan/Feb. 1993) expresses the following: "Butrint (ancient BUTHROTUM) lies just south of Saranda on a rocky peninsula. Its legendary founding as a NEW TROY [was] by (according to Virgil) the TROJAN PRINCE HELENOS and Andromache, widow of HECTOR..." (p. 76).

Eventually the city of EPIDAMNUS was founded by the Hellenes (also known as DYRRAHION) and it is from this word that DURRES, as the city is known today, derives its name.

Encouraged by their expanding trade with the Illyrians, the Hellenes established a NEW COLONY to the south of Epidamnus, which they named APOLLONIA (now Pojan) in honor of the god Apollo. This new colony was built on a hill a mile or so from the coast and on the banks of the Vjosa River. Since the river was navigable from that point westward, Apollonia had an indirect outlet to the Adriatic Sea -- thus keeping it within the trade routes.

The Trojan Migration to France

The old Trojan Royal House -- of the line of DARDANUS -- was restored to power after the Greek defeat at Troy in 1149. As noted by Herman L. Hoeh:

"The full story of the royal Trojan House that returned to power in Troy has been preserved -- of all places -- in the records of the SPANISH HAPSBURGS! The reason? The Hapsburgs were in fact LINEAL DESCENDANTS OF THE HOUSE OF TROY!

"A complete list of TROJAN RULERS after the fall of Troy in 1181 may be found in the original Spanish work by Bartholome Gutierrez entitled: 'Historia del estado presente y antiguo, de la mui noble y mui leal ciudad de Xerez de la Frontera.' It was published in Xerez, Spain in 1886" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II).

As we have already seen HELENUS, the son of Priam and Hecuba, fled Troy after the first Trojan War and settled in Illyria or Epirus. There Helenus and his followers founded the cities of Buthrotum and Chaonia. Through him the royal blood of Judah was preserved in the Near East.

During the Second Trojan War in 1149, the descendants of Helenus REGAINED CONTROL of Troy from the Greeks and restored the Royal House of DARDANUS to the city. The Spanish history by Gutierrez records the names of Helenus' descendants who controlled Troy and the surrounding region until the Third Trojan War in 677:

1/. ZENTER (son of Helenus)











12/. TRIANUS (Priam II)





At the fall of Troy in 677, members of the Trojan Royal Family, and most of the population of the city, fled to the NORTHERN SHORES OF THE BLACK SEA in eastern Europe. For the next 234 years, in this region, the JUDAHITE TROJAN HOUSE provided eleven rulers over the people who fled Troy:












In 442 B.C. MARCOMIR, Antenor's son, ascended the throne; and in 441 he migrated out of Scythia and settled the people on the DANUBE. In 431 the Goths forced him, along with over 175,000 men, out of the area and into the country now called West Friesland, Gelders and Holland. Then, nine years later, Marcomir crossed the Rhine and conquered part of Gaul -- MODERN FRANCE! He made his brother governor, and continued the gradual conquest of the entirety of Gaul.

Eventually this people became known as FRANKS or Franconians after a king called FRANCUS who reigned from 39 - 11 B.C. The last King of the Franks -- Marcomir V -- won a great victory over the Romans at Cologne in 382 A. D. and recovered all the lands in the possession of the Romans, except Armoria or Little Brittany, in 390. However, he was slain in battle three years later and the Romans conquered the FRANKS -- commanding them to refrain from electing kings over themselves. Instead, the Franks elected Dukes to reign over them, starting with Genebald I in 328 A.D.

The fifth duke of the East Franks, Pharamund (404-419) is recognized by early historians as being the FIRST TRUE KING OF FRANCE. In 427 the succession passed to Clodion who founded the MEROVINGIAN DYNASTY.

There is something VERY INTERESTING about this dynasty that bears explanation:

"Its kings all wore LONG HAIR. They kept their kingly office until the Pope suggested to the East Franks (Germans) that they could gain the power over the Merovingians by cutting the king's hair. The last Merovingian was accordingly tonsured. The government thereafter passed to Pippin, father of the German king Charlemagne, who RESTORED the Roman Empire to the west in 800. The history of the Merovingians, WHO DESCENDED FROM THE TROJAN LINE AND THE HOUSE OF JUDAH, is made especially interesting in a book entitled The Long-haired Kings, by J. M. Wallace-Hadrill. (See especially chapter 7.) The Merovingians recognized that though they came from Judah, THEY WERE NOT OF THE THRONE OF DAVID and would hold their power only so long as they kept a NAZARITE TRADITION -- long hair -- symbolizing their subjection to a Higher Power -- God -- who rules supreme among men. (See Numbers 6)" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 183).

Enter the Hapsburgs!

Hapsburg was the name of a noble and ROYAL German family which, at various periods in European history, was the ruling house of Germany -- as a separate kingdom and also as part of the Holy Roman Empire. Not only did the Hapsburgs rule Germany, but also Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Spain and many other smaller European kingdoms.

According to Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia: "The name of the family is derived from a family seat, the castle of Hapsburg or Habichtsburg ('Hawk's Castle'), built in 1028 on the Aare River in what is now Aargan Canton, Switzerland." (Vol. 12, p. 183).

What, might you ask, do the Hapsburgs have in common with the Trojan line of kings that came down through the Franks? Just this: "From Pharamond [fifth duke of the East Franks], king of the Franks came a princely line of rulers who INTERMARRIED WITH AUSTRIAN ROYALTY. This line, preserved in the Historia de Xerez by Gutierrez, descends down to Rudolf II of Hapsburg, who became Holy Roman Emperor in 1273.

The JUDAHITE ORIGINS of the Hapsburg line can be clearly seen on the tombstone of Emperor Rudolf I -- located in the Cathedral of Speyer, Germany. The tombstone has a life-sized portrait of the emperor engraved in it, surrounded by a border containing Latin script. The emperor is shown holding the scepter and orb of royal power -- and with a shield depicting the LION OF JUDAH on each shoulder! To further emphasis his Judahite origins, the emperor is shown STANDING ON A LION -- thus demonstrating his power and authority stemmed from the LINE OF JUDAH!

The Mysterious Odin

The present-day royal lines of Northwestern Europe and Great Britain are ALL related to DAN I OF DENMARK. WHO was this DAN of mythical proportions, otherwise known as ODIN?

Tradition and history records the existence of THREE FAMOUS MEN who bore the name "ODIN." The first, according to author J. Garner, was known as WODAN and "is the same as the ODIN OF THE SCANDINAVIANS." He goes on to say:

"It would also appear that WODAN, or ODIN, who seems to be identified with those gods WHOM CUSH WAS THE HUMAN ORIGINAL, had a son 'BALDER,' who was slain by LOKI, the spirit of evil, just as OSIRIS was slain by TYPHON, the spirit of evil. Just also as the deaths of Osiris, Bacchus, Thammuz, etc., are LAMENTED, so is BALDER lamented by his mother, FREYA or FRIGGA, who was told by Hela, the goddess of Hell, that he would be restored to life if everything on earth wept for him. Again, just as the war god MARS or Mergal was another manifestation of the younger BABYLONIAN god, so 'THOR,' the war god of the Scandinavians, was another son of Odin...Odin, Freya and Thor, in short, are the SCANDINAVIAN TRINITY, CORRESPONDING TO THE EGYPTIAN TRINITY, OSIRIS, ISIS, AND HORUS, and other forms of the same Trinity, and like Horus, Apollo and Chrishna, Thor is represented as bruising the head of the serpent" (The Worship of the Dead).

Obviously, this ODIN was none other than the NIMROD of the Bible!

Notice, now, what Alexander Hislop says about the FIRST Odin:

"1. NIMROD, or ADON, or Adonis, of Babylon, was the great war-god. ODIN, as is well known, was the SAME. 2. NIMROD, in the character of BACCHUS, was regarded as the god of wine: ODIN, as we read in the EDDA, 'stands in no need of food; WINE is to him instead of every other ailment, according to what is said in these verses: The illustrious father of armies, with his own hand, fattens his two wolves; but the victorious ODIN takes no other nourishment of himself than what arises from the un-intermitted quaffing of wine' (Mallet, 20th Fable, Vol. II, p. 106). 3. The name of one of ODIN'S SONS indicates the meaning of Odin's own name. BALDER, for whose death such lamentations were made, seems evidently just that CHALDEE FORM OF BAAL-ZER, 'The seed of Ball'; for the Hebrew Z as is well known, frequently in the later Chaldee, becomes D. Now Baal and Adon both alike signify 'Lord,' and, therefore, if Balder be admitted to be the seed of Baal, that is as much as to say that he is the son of Adon; and consequently, ADON AND ODIN MUST BE THE SAME. This, of course, PUTS [THIS] ODIN A STEP BACK; makes his son to be the object of lamentation and not himself; but the same was the case also in Egypt; for there Horus the child was sometimes represented as torn in pieces, as Osiris had been. Clemens Alexandrinus says (Cohortatio, Vol. I, p. 30), 'they lament an infant torn in pieces by the Titans.' The lamentations for Balder are very plainly the counterpart of the lamentation for ADONIS; and, of course, if BALDER was, as the lamentations prove him to have been, the favorite form of the Scandinavian Messiah, he was ADON, or 'Lord,' as well as his father. 4. Then, lastly, the name of the other SON OF ODIN, the mighty and warlike THOR, strengthens all the foregoing conclusions. Ninyas, the son of Ninus or NIMROD, on his father's death, when idolatry rose again, was, of course, from the nature of the mystic system, set up as Adon, 'the Lord.' Now, as ODIN had a son called THOR, so the second Assyrian Adon had a son called THOURIS (Cedrenus, Vol. I, p. 29). The name Thouris seems just to be another form of Zoro, or Doro, 'the seed'; for Photius tells us that among the Greeks Thoros signified 'Seed'...The D is often pronounced as TH, -- Adon...the pointed Hebrew, being pronounced 'Athon'" (The Two Babylons. Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, N.J. 1959. Appendix, note L, p. 312).

The SECOND ODIN -- the one we are interested in -- is mentioned in the Saxon Chronicle where his ancestry is given: "The Saxon Chronicle commences the LINE OF DAN I with the following two names: 'Noah, Sem.' Thereafter a long break occurs in the genealogy -- similar to the Biblical statement : "Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham' (Matthew 1:1)" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 44).

The Icelandic Langfedgatal fills in these gaps in the SECOND Odin's genealogy. Those who came after Shem (Sem) -- on ODIN'S FATHER'S SIDE -- are as follows:






6/. ILUS




10/. THOR




14/. MODA

15/. MAGI


A study of Danish literature reveals that SESKEF, sometimes spelled SCEAF, is a TITLE OF ODIN. What does this title mean? Seskef, or Sceaf, literally means a "sheaf" of grain. ODIN claimed to be a kind of lord, or savior, and laid claim to being THE SHEAF represented in Leviticus 23:9-14 as symbolically referring to the MESSIAH!

But why, might you ask, would DAN I -- a king of Denmark -- copy a ceremony perpetuated by the law of Moses? Is there a CONNECTION between ODIN and ISRAEL?

Notice the surprising answer!

The answer is found in who SATURNUS OF KRIT, ancestor of ODIN, really was. In modern English the name would be SATURN OF CRETE. There were MANY Saturns in antiquity, often confused with one another. Usually the name was applied to a man who FLEES or who HIDES himself.

Saturn is a Latin word derived from a root meaning TO FLEE INTO HIDING. The Greek term was KRONOS. This particular SATURN OF CRETE was so famous that the PHOENICIAN HISTORIAN SANCHONIATHON spoke of him. Fragments of his works have been preserved by Eusebius in Preparation of the Gospel, book i, ch. x. Here are his words: "For KRONOS or (SATURN), whom the Phoenicians call ISRAEL...." (Corey's Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Babylonian, Egyptian and other Authors, by E. Richmond Hodges, page 21.)

ISRAEL was the name of Jacob. That would make ODIN A SON OF SHEM and A SON OF JACOB. But why was Jacob called Saturn? Because Jacob became famous for FLEEING or HIDING from his enemies. Jacob's mother warned him of his brother Esau's wrath: "Now, therefore, my son, hearken to my voice; and arise, FLEE thou to Laban my brother in Haran" (Genesis 27:43). "And it was told Laban...that Jacob was FLED" -- this time back to Palestine. (Gen. 31:22) -- Compendium of World History, Vol. II, pp. 45-46.

With this fascinating revelation in mind, we can now CLARIFY the Langfedgatal genealogy of ODIN OF DENMARK:






6/. ILUS



The eighth king in descent from PRIAM was SESKEF ("the Sheaf"), who was none other than DANUS I or ODIN (VOTAN). Danus I was the first king of Denmark and reigned from 1040-999. ODIN WAS THEREFORE A TROJAN OF THE LINE OF JUDAH!!

S. Gusten Olson recognizes this link in the line of ODIN: "It is commonly accepted that ALL the ruling families of the North [Northwestern Europe] definitely date BACK TO ODIN (however not the original Odin [Nimrod], but perhaps the PRIMARY, HISTORICAL ODIN). The historical Odin is DESCENDED FROM THE TROJAN LINE OF KINGS. (The Incredible Nordic Origins. Nordica S. F. Ltd., Kent, England. 1981, p. 87).

The December, 1981 issue of The Link discusses the royal lines of northern Europe and their LINK to the mysterious ODIN:

"The varied collection of sagas, poetry and prose which comprises the early literature of the northern nations of Europe contains much interesting and valuable historical material, although it is often difficult to separate the fanciful from the factual. The REPEATED assertions and implications that the FAMILIES DESCENDED FROM ODIN (or WODEN) derive from THE ANCIENT TROJAN KINGS (often thought to belong to the fanciful category) may indeed prove to have FIRM FOUNDATION IN TRUTH. Several factors provide evidence which is HARMONIOUS with such a claim.

"Ancient classical and extra-biblical sources indicate that the TROJAN KINGS were of the ROYAL LINE OF JUDAH and that they were closely related to other ROYAL FAMILIES IN IONIA, GREECE AND CRETE. The early British king-line is traditionally DESCENDED THROUGH THE TROJAN KINGS, and the kings of Ireland are stated to have sprung from the MILESIAN ROYAL FAMILY IN IONIA into which "Pharaoh's daughter" married. Accepting these sources, the royal families of the northern nations of Europe -- Irish-Scottish, Early British, Frankish, Norwegian -- are all of the SCEPTRE TRIBE OF JUDAH and the many intermarriages of these royal lines would thus all be within the ONE GREAT ROYAL FAMILY of which so much is prophesied in Scripture. Queen Elizabeth II has stated that she is WODEN-BORN" (Christian Israel Foundation, Walsall, England, p. 117).

The written history of Denmark properly begins with the FIRST KING to reign over the people in the Danish peninsula -- this was DANUS I! He is also known as DAN I in Danish history and was the SECOND ODIN or VOTAN.

HOW this ODIN arrived in the Northwest of Europe is noted by Herman L. Hoeh: "Denmark originally received its name from the TRIBE OF DANAAN. It passed to the king who took the name of the subjects over whom he ruled. KING DAN I commenced his reign IN 1040 [B.C.]. This was the year of the breakup of the German realm. The division of German territory between the three sons of Wolfheim -- Kells, Gall and Hiller -- left the seafarers of the far northwest of Europe without leadership. To fill the void the German and HEBREW inhabitants of DENMARK called upon a SCION OF THE TROJAN HOUSE to reign over them. That scion was DAN I. He lived at that time IN THRACE." (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, pp. 43-44).

Odin answered the call and led a large migration OUT OF THRACE into DENMARK and the neighboring regions. After organizing his new realm and setting up the institutions necessary to underpin a stable government, Odin set out on a trip ACROSS THE SEAS to establish a NEW COLONY in a faraway land!

Odin in the New World!

Where did ODIN go after establishing his people in Northwestern Europe? Where was this FARAWAY LAND across the seas?

To find the surprising answer we must go to the sacred writings of the ancient QUICHE MAYA people in Mexico! In the Popul Vuh, a rare codice that has been preserved down to this day, we find recorded the MIGRATIONS and wanderings of the ancestors of the MAYA. The Popul Vuh clearly shows that they TRAVELED WESTWARD ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN TO MEXICO!

Writings and traditions from other Indian tribes show SIMILAR ORIGINS of a people crossing A GREAT BODY OF WATER FROM THE NORTHEAST to reach their present land!

Notice what the writer of the Popul Vuh records: "They also multiplied there IN THE EAST....All lived together, they existed in GREAT NUMBERS and walked there IN THE EAST....There they were then, in great numbers, the black man and the WHITE MAN, many of many classes, men of many tongues....The speech of all was the same. They did not invoke wood nor stone, and they remembered the word of the Creator and the Maker..." (English version by Goetz and Morley, pp. 171-172).

The record of the MAYA continues: "...THEY CAME FROM THE EAST...they left there, from that great distance....THEY CROSSED THE SEA" (ibid., pp. 181, 183). When the rulers of the ancient Maya sought to establish their kingdom "they decided to go TO THE EAST....It had been a long time since their fathers had died....And starting on their journey, they said: 'We are going TO THE EAST, there WHENCE CAME OUR FATHERS.' Certainly they CROSSED THE SEA when they came there to THE EAST, when they went to receive the investiture of the kingdom" (pp. 206-207).

Herman Hoeh asks the question: "To what line of great kings IN THE EAST were these Quiche Maya journeying? To the successors of the GREAT RULER who conducted them, ABOUT 1000 B.C., TO THE USUMACINTA RIVER IN MEXICO."

And WHO was this "great ruler" that led the ancestors of the Quiche Maya across "the sea" to their new home in Mexico?

"The MAYA claim that their kingdom was founded by a GREAT RULER named VOTAN or ODEN or DAN by various tribes. He was a WHITE MAN who CAME BY SEA FROM THE EAST and settled them in their new land. The TIME of their MIGRATION, according to [Spanish historian] Ordonez, was TEN CENTURIES BEFORE THE PRESENT ERA. This Votan -- who was also worshipped as a god -- was famous for having himself JOURNEYED TO A LAND WHERE A GREAT TEMPLE WAS BEING BUILT.

"Do we have a king in Europe, living AT THE SAME TIME SOLOMON'S TEMPLE WAS BEING BUILT (around 1000 B.C.), who had dominion over the seas, who was worshipped as a god, and whose name sounded like VOTAN? Indeed -- WODEN, or ODIN, KING OF DENMARK FROM 1040-999. He was worshipped later as a great god. Scandinavian literature is replete with accounts of his distant journeyings which took him away from his homeland for many months, sometimes years.

"Just as KING ODIN or DANUS gave his name to DENMARK -- DANMARK-- so Odin gave his name to the 'FOREST OF DAN' in the land of the QUICHE INDIANS. (See pages 549 and 163 of volume V, Native Races of the Pacific States, by Hubert H. Bancroft.) 'DAN...founded a MONARCHY ON THE GUATEMALAN PLATEAU' (Bancroft, vol. I, p. 789). His CAPITAL, built for the Indians and their WHITE SUZERAINS, was named AMAG-DAN.

"Here we have the records of DANISH KINGS, as early as 1000 YEARS BEFORE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST, sailing to the NEW WORLD and PLANTING COLONIES OF RED MEN FROM EUROPE IN THE YUCATAN AND GUATEMALAN HIGHLANDS" (Compendium of World History. Vol. II, pp. 90-91).

Where did these "RED MEN" Odin planted in the New World come from? Notice! "Julius Firmicus, an early writer, stated that 'in Ethiopia all are born black; in Germany, white; and IN THRACE, RED.' Thrace was NORTH OF GREECE and originally populated by the children of Tiras, son of Japheth (Gen. 10:2). IT WAS FROM THRACE THAT ODIN LED THE AGATHYRSI AND OTHER TRIBES TO NORTHWESTERN EUROPE when he founded the DANISH KINGDOM.

"Many of the WARRIORS employed by the early princes of western Europe were FIERCE, OF SWARTHY SKIN, NAKED AND OFTEN TATTOOED AND PAINTED. Strabo, the Roman geographer, wrote that AREAS OF IRELAND AND BRITAIN were inhabited 'by MEN ENTIRELY WILD.' Jerome, writing in one of his letters in the fifth century, characterizes some of them as CANNIBALS: 'When they hunted the woods for prey, it is said they attacked the shepherd, rather than his flock; and that they curiously selected the most delicate and brawny parts, both of males and females, for their horrid repast.'" (Compendium of World History, Vol. II, p. 86.).

Where some of the Quiche Maya ORIGINALLY came from is even more surprising, and TOTALLY AT ODDS with most modern accounts of American Indian origins! Once again, the annals of the Indians in the New World REVEAL THE TRUTH about their ancestors:

"The Annals of the Cakchiquels -- Lords of Totonicapan -- contains DIRECT REFERENCE to the RACIAL DESCENT of the NOBLES who led and governed the natives to the New World.

"'These, then, were the THREE NATIONS OF THE QUICHES, and they came from WHERE THE SUN RISES, DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL, of the same language and the same customs ....When they arrived at the edge of the sea, BALAM-QITZE (a native title for one in a religious office) touched it with his staff and at once A PATH OPENED, which then CLOSED UP AGAIN, for thus the great God wished it to be done, BECAUSE THEY WERE THE SONS OF ABRAHAM AND JACOB. So it was that those THREE NATIONS [the 'mixed multitude' of Exodus 12:38] passed through, and with them THIRTEEN OTHERS CALLED VULKAMAG' -- meaning the 13 tribes. ISRAEL had altogether 13 tribes including LEVI.

"'We have written that which by tradition our ancestors told us, who came from the other part of the sea, WHO CAME FROM CIVAN-TULAN, BORDERING ON BABYLONIA' page 170. Page 169 says they '...came from the other part of the ocean, FROM WHERE THE SUN RISES.' (Translated by Delia Goetz; published by the University of Oklahoma Press, 1953.)

"Was the mysterious CIVAN-TULAN -- meaning in Indian dialects a PLACE OF CAVES OR RAVINES -- THE REGION OF PETRA, where Moses led the children of Israel? Petra is famous for its caves. CANAANITE HIVITES, MIXED WITH EGYPTIAN STOCK, DWELT AT PETRA, OR MT. SEIR, AT THE TIME OF THE EXODUS. (Genesis 36:2, 20, 24). They lived at peace with the Hebrews.

"This settlement of Hivites was A REGION DOMINATED BY MIDIAN. A high priest who visited the land of Midian and Moab in Moses' day was named BALAAM -- almost the exact spelling in the QUICHE-MAYA title BALAM used for priests!

"The people LED BY ODIN OR VOTAN across the Atlantic to the New World were NOT exclusively the SONS OF TIRAS FROM THRACE; some tribes were called CHIVIM, reports Ordonez the early Spanish writer. It is the VERY HEBREW SPELLING used for the English word HIVITES, some of whom once LIVED IN MT. SEIR, the LAND OF CAVES, NEAR BABYLON! So the Mexican Indians were a mixed people" (Compendium of World History, pp. 92-94).

Archaeological evidence of the JUDAHITE PRESENCE IN MEXICO has been forthcoming over the years, showing the annals of Mexico to be accurate in all details. A stone has been unearthed in CAMPECHE, MEXICO, showing the side view of a scowling man wearing a large MAYAN earring. According to William F. Dankenbring: "The earring, archaeologists were astonished to learn, contains the STAR OF DAVID in its design. Also it contains a lantern-like object which illustrates an ancient PHOENICIAN ANCHOR. The combination of sailing ship and STAR OF DAVID is also found in a figure on a JEWISH TOMB at Beit-Shearim, ISRAEL, dating from the second or third century B.C." (Beyond Star Wars. Triumph Publishing Co., Altadena, CA. 1978, p. 87).

In the ruins of ancient CHICHEN ITZA, in the tomb of a HIGH PRIEST, another amazing artifact was discovered:: "One after another, magnificent relics were exhumed from the debris littering the floor of the crypt. Scattered about were shells inlaid with mother-of-pearl, pottery vessels, and a CEREMONIAL FLINT BLADE that Thompson described as RESEMBLING "THE VOTIVE STONE SICKLES OF THE ANCIENT DRUIDS...." (Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization, by Charles Gallenkamp. Viking Penguin, Inc. N.Y. 1985, p. 176).

The Druids were the priests and lawmakers commonly believed to have been associated with the Celtic peoples of Gaul and Britain. The Encyclopedia Britannica states: "Of the officials themselves, it seems most likely that their order was purely Celtic, and that it originated in Gaul, perhaps as a result of CONTACT WITH THE DEVELOPED SOCIETY OF GREECE; but DRUIDISM, on the other hand, is probably in its simplest terms the PRE-CELTIC and ABORIGINAL faith of Gaul and the British Isles that was adopted with little modification by the MIGRATING Celts." (1943. Vol. 7, p. 678).

The uncovering of the ceremonial flint blade at Chichen Itza shows that the Mayan people came from Northwestern Europe before settling in Mexico.

The Later Odin

We have seen so far that there were two Odins -- Nimrod and Dan I. There is also a THIRD ODIN to be found in the sagas and traditions of the Scandinavian people who, like his namesake DAN I, was descended from the KINGS OF TROY! The details are to be found in Olson's The Incredible Nordic Origins:

"Odin [the third] was king of the Asgardians or the Aesir, located BETWEEN THE BLACK AND CASPIAN SEAS. The Historian's History of the World, Volume XVI, tells us that he was a mortal man and was KING OF THE HELLESPONT. He had great possessions in Turkland, and his followers were called by the Gothic writers Asae, Asiani, and Asiotae. Their principal city was ASGARD.

"'The ANGLO-SAXONS had their base in TROY, as the Asa-Sveas had theirs in Asagard' (Syd-Skandinavernas Forstfodsloratt, pp. 47, 48).

"It is believed that ASGARD lay near today's ASOV, which is situated on the Sea of Asov, north of the Black Sea, at the mouth of the DON RIVER. This is where ODIN and the Asar, according to a saga, originally lived (Sveriges kulturhistoria, p. 43)....

"After committing his kingdom to his two brothers VE and VELIER, Odin made vast conquests as he and his hordes marched toward Northwestern Europe.

"First he entered Riisland (Russia), and after having successfully taken over that nations inhabitants, appointed his son BO to reign over them.

"From there he went by sea to Northern Germany, reducing Saxony and dividing it among his children. HORSA AND HENGIST -- the chiefs of the SAXONS who conquered Britain in the fifth century-- CONSIDERED ODIN AS ONE OF THEIR ANCESTORS.

"Following the conquest of Saxony, he proceeded to JUTLAND [JUDAH's LAND] and Funen (now parts of Denmark) and subdued them. this he gave to his son SKIOD, from whom the kings of Denmark are descended. The city of ODENSE was built by him.

"Thereafter he advanced to Suithoid (Sweden), where he was kindly received by Gylfus or Gylso, king of the country, with whom, according to Dalin, he was acquainted. He and his followers were allowed to settle there. He built the city of Sigtuna....

"The desire of ODIN to spread his religion and to dominate caused him to undertake a conquest of Norway. His son SAEMING became ruler over this kingdom.

"After these many feats, he finally returned to Sweden, where he perceived he was about to die from a lingering disease. Unwilling to suffer the ignominy of not dying in battle, he gave himself nine wounds and other cuts. When he died, his body was carried to Sigtuna where it was burnt with much pomp" (pp. 70-72).

The reason ODIN left the Hellespont region in the first place was because of the vengeance of the Romans. At this time (first century B.C.) the Roman Commonwealth was at its strongest; and the then king of PONTUS attempted to arm all the people in his territory against the power of Rome. After some initial successes, this king and his ill-united people were forced to retreat from the advancing Romans.

As a result ODIN was also forced to flee from the Roman wrath. "Mallet says his [Odin's] true name was SIGGE, the son of Fridulph. FRIDULPH CAN BE TRACED BACK TO PRIAM, KING OF TROY."

After arriving in the Northwest of Europe Odin sought revenge against the Romans. "Dalin writes that the entire North became aroused by him against Rome. It is said that his resentment, as a result of being driven from his country by the Romans caused him to be all the more violent. This desire for revenge he left fermenting in the bosom of Northern Europe. When the time came, they all by common consent and after successive attacks toppled Rome!" (The Incredible Nordic Origins, p. 72).

M. Paul du Chaillu, quoting old Norse sagas, summarizes the life of ODIN: "At this time the Asia men came from the east. Their LEADER was called Odin, who was a mighty warrior. In every battle he gained victory. He owned a great deal of land in SWITHIOD THE GREAT (SCYTHIA), whose capital was ASGARD (KIEV)!"

Sharon Turner, who compiled a History of the Anglo-Saxons, wrote: "The human existence of ODIN appears to be satisfactorily proved. The FOUNDERS OF THE ANGLO-SAXON OCTARCHY [in Britain] deduced their descent FROM ODIN by genealogies, in which their ancestors are distinctly mentioned up to him!" (Quoted from Wake Up! August, 1980).

The line of the third Odin, from his ancestor DAN I, is as follows:















15/. HELGI



18/. BEAW

19/. GEAT



22/. FLYN



With Unerring Accuracy...

Instead of being unrelated and unconnected, the royal houses of Europe and Britain stem from a common origin in the Troy of Homer! These royal lines all SHARE the same blood that has come down through the ages from JUDAH the son of Israel. From captivity in Egypt the progenitors of the tribe of Judah spread out across the Mediterranean world, founding royal dynasties in Asia Minor, Greece and faraway Ireland.

Centuries before the main body of Israel -- the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes and Normans -- arrived in Britain by the "overland" route, an advance guard, following the sea route, arrived in Northwestern Europe and Britain. This "advance guard," comprised of the royal line of Judah, was already established by the time the MASS of Israel moved into these areas.

The Scoto-Milesian royal line, under the leadership of Gathelus (son of CALCOL), moved into Ireland within some forty years of the Exodus, establishing a line of kings that ruled Ireland and Scotland for centuries.

Following in their footsteps, in approximately 1100 B.C., BRUTUS the Trojan arrived to establish a line that eventually mingled (through marriage) with the existing Scoto-Milesian line. In later years the Trojan line in Britain was strengthened by the Norse lines that arrived with the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans.

The line from Troy through Priam also advanced into Europe, founding the great royal houses of France and Germany, as well as lesser kingdoms in the area.

We can clearly see that the royal lines of Britain and Europe are ALL interconnected and stem from the same source -- JUDAH OF ISRAEL!! The prophecy found in Genesis 49 has come to pass with UNERRING ACCURACY: "The scepter [kingship] shall not depart from JUDAH, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah] comes...." (Verse 10).


(1) 1 Samuel

(2) Aeneid

(3) Annals of the Cakchiquels -- Lords of Totonicapan

(4) Archaeology magazine

(5) Beyond Star Wars

(6) Bible Research Handbook

(7) Book of I Macabees

(8) British History Traced from Egypt and Palestine

(9) Co-Incidences? Pointers to Our Heritage

(10) Compendium of World History

(11) Corey's Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician, Carthaginian, Egyptian and Other Authors

(12) Diodorus of Sicily

(13) Drych y Prifoesedd

(14) Encyclopedia Britannica

(15) Funk and Wagnell's New Encyclopedia

(16) History of the Anglo-Saxons

(17) Homer's Iliad

(18) How Israel Came to Britain

(19) Icelandic Langfedgatal

(20) Jacob's Pillar

(21) Kings and Queens of Britain

(22) Letter to Claudius Caesar

(23) Maya: The Riddle of a Lost Civilization

(24) Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets

(25) Nennius: British History and the Welsh Annals

(26) Popul Vul

(27) Prehistoric London

(28) Preparation of the Gospel

(29) Saxon Chronicle

(30) Sveriges Kulturhistoria

(31) Syd-Skandinavernas Forstfodsloratt

(32) Symbols of Our Celto-Saxon Heritage

(33) The Coronation Stone

(34) The Incredible Nordic Origins

(35) The Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race

(36) The Historian's History of the World

(37) The Link magazine

(38) The Long-Haired Kings

(39) The Mysteries of Homer's Greeks

(40) The Royal House of Britain

(41) The Two Babylons

(42) The Worship of the Dead

(43) Wake Up! magazine

(44) Welsh Bruts


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